Criteria for a PSA

February 23rd, 2009

A PSA should have a clear purpose.
A specific audience.
Text and music.
Emotional/rhetorical appeals.
Compel the audience to listen: entertain, inform, relate.
Empower the listener: its their duty to do something.
Use words that promote action: “earn..”  Talk to your audience, not at them.
Use humor appropriately.
Select and appeal: sensory, appetite, acquisition, well-being, attractiveness, threat, humor, convenience, curiosity, ego.
Single Message.

One thought on “Criteria for a PSA

  1. bcottri
    11:47 am - 2-23-2009

    Great list, Olivia! I like how you say to talk to your audience, not at them and also the importance of the single message.

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