My Visual Narrative Overview!!

January 30th, 2009

From the feedback, I received today, I feel pretty good about moving forward with my project. I got some good ideas to incorporate in my visual narrative. The literacy’s I am going to use are my daily literacy’s from when I wake up, until I go to bed. Some ideas that the group and I brain-stormed about, include: When I wake up in the morning, I look at my clock, hoping that it is wrong. Then I check my Facebook and e-mail. Then I eat breakfast and read the newspaper. At school I take notes and update my blog. Then at lunch I read the menu of whatever restaurant I am at. Then I go to work and file student transcripts in the Creative Writing Department. At home I type up homework and study/read school books. At dinner I use my cookbook to make and entrée. After dinner, I get on the computer to talk on Yahoo! Messenger, to my sister. Then I read a magazine and go to bed. Other ideas that may be included are texting on my cell phone and reading signs on the road, or the speedometer in my car. I plan to do this by taking pictures that depict my literacy and decorate it to show my daily “time line” of literacy’s. My group liked the idea, and said it was a creative way to incorporate all my literacy’s. My group proposed the idea of music in the background, but I objected to the idea because I do not think it would work with my presentation.

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