
January 30th, 2009

My visual narrative will be the visual literacy’s I use daily.  From when I wake up in the morning, go to class, eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, work, down time, etc.  I am going to be using a poster board to display my “time line” with pictures and other  crafts to illustrate my narrative.  I am excited and think it will be fun to bust out the scissors and glue!

2 thoughts on “<>

  1. lpate
    11:07 am - 1-30-2009

    I think your narrative sounds really good. It seems like it is kind of along the lines of mine as well as far as the poster board and pictures! Good luck 🙂

  2. tctoney
    1:51 am - 1-31-2009

    I’m planning on doing the same type of idea. It will be interesting to see how someone else uses different literacies throughout the day. :o)

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