*Good ViSuAl Narrative*

January 26th, 2009

A good visual narrative is precise, clear and too the point.  It is not very abstract and can be understood without words.  It is creative in portraying a story about literacy.  A bad visual narrative is not neatly put together, and lacks a story line, plot and purpose.  If it is unorganized and kind of all over the place, it is not purposeful in doing the job of a visual narrative.  Also, if using a video or other technology, sound and organization and quality are also important.

One thought on “*Good ViSuAl Narrative*

  1. ncantre
    10:53 am - 1-26-2009

    I agree with your comments about making a visual narrative clear and concise. It should be easy to understand what the author is trying to portray. I likeyour idea about having a storyline as well because this helps a narrative be more entertaining. Good job!!! & have a grrrrreat week!!!

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