
March 30th, 2009

Revision is the act of rewriting, altering, changing something; it often improves the overall product.

You conduct revision by reading over and evaluating a product and making changes where they are necessary.  This includes grammical errors, organization errors, spelling, sentence structure and overall details.

Revising helps enhance your paper or product. Also, an outside person who revises your paper is always helpful.  You can see what is interesting and maybe what is not, and maybe something you understand someone else may need some more clarity.

One thought on “Revision

  1. dancomp
    9:39 am - 4-1-2009

    I agree with you that it is very helpful to have another person look at your essay and comment on the things you could revise. I think sometimes we become so attached to our essay that we resist changing any aspect of it, and sometimes the influence of an outside person helps with that.

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