Rhetorical Analysis PSA

March 18th, 2009

The following PSA I choose to do for my rhetorical analysis is:

Teen Dating Violence Prevention – Textual Harassment

It is current.  It highlights the growing digital community among teens, and along with that unhealthy relationship behaviors.  The PSA allows teens to recognize it first as a problem them provides the tools to initiate a conversation about it, or a web site: thatsnotcool.com

It is uses a creative way in which the phone is an actual person that follows a girl around all day in a very “stalkerish way.”  With the growing digital era, new problems and delimas are created that we are not yet sure how to address and handle.  Awareness is the first step.

2 thoughts on “Rhetorical Analysis PSA

  1. alyon
    9:32 am - 3-20-2009

    I really like your choice of your PSA. I like the idea that it is a current problem and that it needs to be addressed. PSA’s that are about teen drinking, smoking, and teen driving are all “old-school” and tend to be boring. Your PSA is about a current problem and is entertaining at the same time. Great choice!

  2. yoderd
    9:51 am - 3-27-2009

    This is a really interesting PSA, which could have been a good topic for our last assignment. It’s interesting to see how technology has effect communication, and to see the side effects of those technologies on teenagers. Teenagers are very insecure and having the ability to text might allow them to become really controlling and weird.

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