——————-blogs, blogs, and more blogs———————–

February 16th, 2009

I have found that peer evaluations can be very helpful.  I use it in many of my classes for presentations and/or research papers.  Being an IPC major I write a lot of papers.  Peer evaluations help get another point of view on a topic or subject and allows someone to make unbiased opinions about something.  Also, it helps look over grammar and syntax errors that you made.  Sometimes people do not always like constructive criticism.  So, I tell people they do not HAVE to use my ideas, its only an option.  I always find peer evaluations helpful, and I do it a lot.  I have friends, and even my brother from different universities, that e-mail me their papers, for me to look over and evaluate.  I always offer my point of view, not for them to change their papers but to let them know how and “outsider” would think.  Sometimes they just laugh, other times they say, wow I didn’t realize that..etc.

One thought on “——————-blogs, blogs, and more blogs———————–

  1. amsiefk
    10:55 am - 2-18-2009

    I have the same idea when it comes to peer workshop. I try to never make people feel like they have to use my ideas or suggestions. Some writing assignments are about personal ideas and beliefs and those should not have to reflect what other people think.

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