2/9 BlOg

February 9th, 2009

A Literacy Narrative tells a story.  It should be interesting, in that it appeals to a person(s) in a specific way.  It should use one ore more types of literacy’s.  It should include a person or people who have influenced a person’s literacy. Or even an event that had a profound impact on a person’s literacy development.  It can include how it had influenced a person’s literacy today as a literate person and how it will continue in the future.

One thought on “2/9 BlOg

  1. kareemw
    1:38 pm - 2-10-2009

    Hey Olivia! I think your explanation of what a literacy narrative should do is very different, but in a good way. You said something that most other people did not, and that is the fact that a literacy narrative could use more than one type of literacy. I also liked your idea that a literacy narrative should include influential factors of how the literacy was formed. Good luck on your narrative! 🙂

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