.-My 5 Topics-.

February 5th, 2009


In 5th grade through Jr. high I wrote short stories and went to “Young Authors” conferences, where I got to meet famous children’s authors and share my stories with others. My teachers at the time encouraged me to continue writing. It helped me become a better writer today. Today I do not write short stories, but I still use the skills I developed as a child.

As a child, one of my highlights was going to the local library with my mom. We were allowed to get whatever, and as many books as we wanted. It allowed me to explore different genres and enhance my skills as a literate person. The library is still something important to me as a college student and someone who enjoys a good read.

I worked as a Head-start teacher for two years. During this time I got to teach literacy’s and explore my own literacy development. My parents and school sponsored my literacy development the most. So, I carried this over when I was teaching others literacy. When teaching literacy today, I learned there are different forms of access to literacy that I did not have/use as a child. I got to see how those made a difference. It is interesting to explore the changing uses of literacy.

In high school I participated in a program called “Ohio Reads.” As a child I struggled with reading, I just wasn’t good at it. I didn’t like to read, and I was not all that interested in writing either. Teachers and my parents struggled to find something that would help me. I am a firm believer in the fact that all children learn differently, and it is imperative to meet those needs to enhance development. I didn’t have Ohio Reads a child, but I did see the effect first hand.

I was in 4-H for 7 years. One of the first projects I took on was poetry. It was clear, that I did not like to read or write stories that much, so my mom introduced me to poetry. I became obsessed with poetry books. I read Shel Silverstein poems like it was my job. I entered many contest and got several poems published. When you find something your good at, that sponsors your literacy. It allowed me to explore other literacy’s as I became more literate.

One thought on “.-My 5 Topics-.

  1. bcottri
    7:33 pm - 2-8-2009

    Each of these topics sounds like they’ve got great potential, Olivia. It sounds like you’ve had some really positive experiences with literacy development. I’ll be interested to see which one you focus on. Nice work!

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