
February 5th, 2009

“Language, Culture, Material Reality, Identity” (excerpt)
Hobbs, Catherine L.  The Elements of Autobiography and Life Narratives.  New York: Pearson Longman, 2005.


Language is a huge part of a person’s literacy development. Language can be very complex and has been studied for a very long time. Language in many ways influences how we communicate with people and how we perceive our world. Our community, culture and life dialog influence our language. Also, our generation, race, age, gender, geographic location, class, and even what technologies we use, influence how we use language and ultimately how we communicate. This is greatly connected to my own literacy development. If you think about it most children’s first words are words that they have heard numerous times. For mine it was mom, which tells me my mom spent countless hours saying “Say mommy, mom, mama…” If you think about it we learn by watching others, which includes language.

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