..Autobiography Narrative..

February 5th, 2009

“Writing Autobiography: Autobiography as Rhetoric”
Hobbs, Catherine L.  The Elements of Autobiography and Life Narratives.  New York: Pearson Longman, 2005.


I like how the article stated that when writing you intend to be the reader and you become the audience. I do this many times when writing. I think how an outsider would respond to my writing: would it bore them, confuse them, excite them, make them upset, etc. And then I refer to my purpose to writing: inform, persuade, entertain, etc. My ideal reader for my topics could be a range of people from college students to professors, parents, students, etc. I think whatever topic I choose; it will inform people of a different perspective of literacy. Most people also can relate to the literacy developments I have chosen, which is important also. Ethos, pathos and logos are also important because of my audience’s attitudes and beliefs. It is important that I am a credible writer (i.e. I have experience with the literacy-ethos), I can appeal and relate with my reader (pathos), and there is reason (i.e. To inform-logos).

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