1/23 Blog

January 23rd, 2009

We use visuals in our everyday lives in everything we do to communicate, from reading, drawing, interpreting, with books, websites, videos, print, electronic, fiction, nonfiction, Tv, books, street signs, clothes, etc.  Visuals play a vital role in communication.    They can persuade and inform.  Like street signs tell us the speed limit, county, city, etc.  Also, they can persuade by the type of dress we wear.  For example, the Guerrilla Girls, (a feminist Group).  When you see them in the Guerrilla outfits you automatically know their intentions.  Visuals are very important to education and we use them everyday.  Like graphs, charts, drawings, books, images, colors, symbols, numbers, etc.  In daily life we use them when we get dressed in the morning, when we drive, when we are in school, when we cook.  In my future career it will play a very important role, because I am a communication major; and visuals are a very important part of communication.  They can be used to emphasize words, or speak alone.

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