1/14 Blog

January 14th, 2009

I expect to learn how to be a better writer.  I want to learn how to evaluate and use different forms of media to communicate, i.e blogs.  To me literacy means being able to read, comprehend and apply information.  You can read any words but if you cannot understand the word then apply it to something you cannot fully use and comprehend the information fully.  We write as a form of communication.  We write to communicate something to someone.  We write to gather our thoughts and remember things.

One thought on “1/14 Blog

  1. bcottri
    7:35 pm - 1-15-2009

    I like to see your definition of literacy. Many of your classmates mention reading, some mention comprehend, but few (if any) mention the application process. That’s interesting! I hope you’ll bring this up in future classes when we talk about understanding/defining literacy.

    Nice work!

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