
Emily's Blog for Journ. 4950

October 2012

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Social Media Explorer

A common problem that we have discussed throughout the semester is when social media for a company is left in the hands of the “wrong people”. “Wrong people” being: young interns, people uneducated about social media, and those who do not consider the repercussions of bad social media representation. So, how can we fix this […]

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Girls, we run this …

If you have listened to current music in the past year, you were bound to hear the song “Run the World” by Beyonce. Here is a link if you haven’t : Why am I bringing up Beyonce in my blog which is focused on PR and social media? In today’s society, women dominate the […]

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Most Recent Post

Who Owns Who?

With the uprising and rapid growth of international social media, there will not always be smooth sailing. With the fast advancements in the social media world, the likelihood for legal trouble is growing just as quickly. Twitter has taken a huge hit with legality issues, mainly with the focus on who “owns” specific Twitter accounts. […]


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