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Posts by cmkraut

Colloquium News & Updates


One of our biggest pet peeves about Blackboard is that students cannot interact with class Announcements. We are used to being able to do this all across the web, since most websites have a social component built in (mainly commenting). We thought we’d try something new and post our announcements on our blog and set the blog to be our course entry point. Here’s how we did it:



COBL to Present at OLN’s First Annual Spring Colloquium


One major factor that separates a passive learning experience from an active and engaging learning experience, regardless of the medium, is the amount of interaction facilitators have with their students. Terence, Ginny, and Carolyn will be presenting at the first annual Ohio Learning Network Spring Colloquium in Columbus on April 11. The focus of the panel is to talk about the different ways we have helped instructors enhance their online presence to foster an engaging learning environment. We will discuss some of the communication and collaboration tools that can add a human element to the online classroom.

Keep reading to view the full presentation and description. (more…)

How COBL is helping the University go green?


COBL adopted the recycling station located outside our door in University Hall and staffer, Carolyn, created a few posters explaining how online courses and our department are helping to reduce the university’s carbon footprint. Check them out below!

How is COBL Conserving Energy?

How Do Online Classes Conserve Energy?

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