
Thomas Rosenkranz‘s new disc, “Inflorescence,” is released on the New Focus Label.

New Focus Recordings recently released an album of contemporary music featuring Associate Professor of Piano, Thomas Rosenkranz. The disc, entitled “ Inflorescence: Music from soundSCAPE,” features new works that were written for soprano Tony Arnold, percussionist Aiyun Huang, and Professor Rosenkranz for the soundSCAPE Festival in Italy.
For more information visit:

BGSUElectroacoustics Makes Strong Showing at 2013 ElectroAcoustic Barn Dance Festival

Ten BGSU current and alumni composers (and performers) will present pieces at the 2013 ElectroAcoustic Barn Dance Festival at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, VA , November 7-9 2013. (Pieces listed in program order.)
Josh Simmons (current master’s) – confessions smell of faint fairfood in the background as new highs and new lows were set on the proportions taken in from the late sunset in autumn timechange drifting through the trees on that smell of cooling dirt [live electronic performance by Simmons]
Elise Roy (current DMA) – dilation (Flutescape II) [fixed media]
Ben Taylor (MM11) – Stop.Rewind.Play [trumpet, fixed media, and video]
Carter John Rice (MM13) – Soundscape for Viola and Electronics [viola and live electronics] – performed by Kalindi Bellach (current DMA)
CR Kasprzyk (current DMA) – adapt[ation] [saxophone and fixed media] – performed by Kasprzyk
Anne Niekirk (MM09) – Office Space [fixed media]
Evan Williams (MM13) – Origins [fixed media]
Hong-Da Chin (current DMA) – Wind in Abyss [fixed media]
Paul Thomas (MM05) – Slapbox [accordian and live electronics] – performed by Thomas
and one paper presentation:
Carter John Rice (MM13) – Sentential Structure in the Music of Elainie Lillios

Wind Faculty Exchange with Capital University

BGSU’s wind faculty, John Sampen, Susan Nelson, Andrew Pelletier, Conor Nelson, Nermis Mieses, and Kevin Schempf will visit Capital University in Columbus, Ohio on Wednesday, October 30th, 2013 as part of an exchange with Capital’s QuintEssiential Wind Quintet.  The faculty will perform a concert of solo and chamber works at 3pm in Capital’s Huntington Recital Hall, followed by a session of coaching chamber groups at 4pm.

Michael Gartz to perform Organ Concertos with the Adrian Symphony

Adjunct Assistant Professor of organ, Michael Gartz, will be the featured soloist with the Adrian Symphony Orchestra, December 13, 14 & 15.  With conductor John Dodson, he will perform Handel’s Organ Concerto in G Minor, and the Albinoni Adagio for Organ and Strings.  The concerts will be held at the Holy Rosary Chapel, at the Adrian Dominican Motherhouse Campus.  For more information visit: http://www.adriansymphony.org/december.htm

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