Concept Statements

1. A small awkward girl shows her hatred for the stuck up kids by plotting attacks against them.

2. A scared college student prepares to leave for school crying, not having been away from home for more than two days.  How do her parents feel?

3. A small boy is fighting for his best friends life, who happens to be a stuffed animal, as his body parts continue to fall apart.

4. A small racoon shows his love of dancing while others in the community laugh. He eventually learns that his happiness is all that matters, as opposed to being scared of what others think.

5. A child wants to learn to play the string bass but finds he is too small to play it. He will try non-stop to find a way, because he really wants to play.

6. A lamp decides that, although his owner is sleeping, he wants to shine so brightly. Because his dream is to be famous, he prepares to perform for a great audience.

7. A computer mouse wants its chance to surf the web on his own, as he tries to work other components of the computer. The keyboard, however, has other plans.

8. A snobby cat wants to play outside with the alley cats, tired of constantly being stuck up and never having any fun. She finally decides to let loose and have some fun.

9. A little girl licks her lollipop happily but is very sad when it breaks on the floor. As she begins to cry she comes up with an idea–to pick up the pieces and eat them anyways.

10. A sad lil boy is torn by his ice cream cone which he dropped on the ground by the park bench. Just as he begins to cry, a young girl sits next to him and hands him an ice cream cone.

11. A little girl holds a seed in her hands, plants it, and waits. After a few years, the tree grows but on the tree are stars for her to make wishes on.

12. A lone cell phone finds another cell phone sitting only a few inches away. As he gets closer to her, she shows much disinterest.

3 thoughts on “Concept Statements

  1. amrinep said,

    August 29, 2008 @ 8:47 pm     

    I like the theme of the underdog in a lot of your story ideas. Most of these give me a sense of someone’s triumph against the odds. That’s a good theme to play with, I think. One thing that needs worked on and expanded upon, I would say, would be the outcome of each story. I especially like number 5. I think you could have a lot of fun figuring out different ways for that character to try playing the bass. Also, changing the characters from just little boys and girls may be something to think about as well. What other unconventional characters could fit into these stories? I would love to see an Ostrich try to play bass…

  2. treibej said,

    August 29, 2008 @ 9:48 pm  Check that out its got a little bit of the underdog feeling to it and some guitar animation which might help you out with number 5. Number 3 however is my favorite and is a lot like the ones I have with friends sticking up for each other you could even have the teddy bear turn around and help the boy in the end. What is destroying the bear or the animal? The boy could be in some sort of arena or Colosseum and he may have to change the way he acts in order to keep his teddy bear friend from being torn apart by someone who is using the bear as ransom. Or the parents of the boy could be threatening to tear a part off of the bear every time he messes up or does something bad so finally the boy decides to escape with the bear and live on his own.
    number 11 would also be cool but her background would have to be depressing and should would need a short summary of why she wants to make wishes. Maybe she is an orphan in a really bad environment and as she walks down the hall ways to go outside you hear noises of people screaming at kids and you see pictures on the walls of kids being mistreated and then she goes outside and plants the tree and just waits for the tree to grow but you would have to have something that makes the tree grow faster then normal so u don’t have to show her aging.

  3. wolfa said,

    August 29, 2008 @ 10:59 pm     

    I thought number three and seven both could be animated well, because they’re simple yet unique. Some of the others feel as if they would bust the one minute target and need to take much longer to play out (in particular number one and two). Given the time-span that we have for animating this project, I think it would be better to stick with a shorter concept…quality not quantity. Anyway, all of your ideas seem to have good basic concepts, themes, and characters that could be fleshed out quite well.

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