2 Story Structures

i have had some pretty good feedback on a few of my premises and i think i will expand on a few of them

story 1: it is a story about a monster who wants to fish, but has to guard his assigned treasure hoard. He hates his job, and finds any way possible to escape and fish. he cannot balance doing both at once, and must decide if he would rather fish or keep guarding his treasure.

story 2: it is a story about a tidy neat freak, that comes across an object amongst their cleaning that keeps spitting out various trinkets for the tidy neat freak to pick up. each arbitrary object is discarded and cleaned up hastily in an effort to keep the area pristine. a cataclysmic event starts to unfold as each of the discarded objects are required to stave it off, each passing moment making the area dirtier and dirtier. the character must decide to either accept the help of the “junk” or become enveloped with the end of the world(so to speak).

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