12 premise

1) thirsty character gets to a watering hole that has little water. survival of the fittest

2) character wants to trade in his hands for new ones.

3) character wants to keep his home even though a large object is going to crash into it and destroy it.

4) a sullen character finds a shiny box that can change his life.

5) a character ignores warning signs and finds himself trying to make his way back home.

6) you are what you choose to be

7) a character wants to retrieve a mechanical part to complete his machine

8) to destroy is easier than to create

9) a character wants to fly, but has no wings.

10) a monster doesnt want to defend the treasure aymore, rather they want to fish

11) a character finds a way to make his home a better place to live, but at a sacrifice

12) hard work is worth it in the end

22 thoughts on “12 premise

  1.   cnjenni
    August 29th, 2008 | 4:45 am      

    I think both number 9 and number 11 show potential… 11 especially, because it might be interesting to take a really twisted approach to it (I’m thinking perhaps decorating their home but with limbs or their own bones or something – wow that would be out there). Number 9 makes me think of the animation Kiwi, and poses an interesting problem for any character to solve.

  2.   msastre
    August 29th, 2008 | 8:48 pm      

    I dig number 10 something fierce. I wonder though, what would be the outcome of that one? I’d really like to find out.

    Number four also resonates with me as something that could go well. You could choose for the box to not necessarily change his life at all, or it could change his life for the worse. You have a lot of freedom to shape that story into something really interesting.

  3.   Scott
    August 30th, 2008 | 8:51 pm      

    Number 10 could be really funny. I can just picture a monster sitting on the edge of the water trying to fish.

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