3 Character Descriptions

Character #1:  His name is Mr. Backface and he is Mr. Johnson’s largest pain in the a**. He loves to play pranks and mess around with Mr. Johnson’s life, preferably by making it as hard as possible.  He will make it seem like Mr. Johnson is insane and scary by screaming obscenities in public (like someone with tourettes).  However, the only thing that Mr. Backface cannot handle is when Mr. Smith wears hats.  That dark, cold abyss is enough to make him feel really uncomfortable.

Character #2:  This is Mr. Cuddles.  As cuddly and cute as he looks, he is actually quite crazy.  He collects all of these animal toys because of his desire to take over the world.  You see, Mr. Cuddles is determined to kill his owner, simply because of the name he gave him…Mr. Cuddles…  These toys have been technologically enhanced by Mr. Cuddles and are programmed to follow all of his orders.  First he will destroy his owner, then he will go after the rest of humanity.  Oh and did I mention he DOES NOT enjoy cute things one bit.  They make him want to throw up.

Character #3:  Mr. Cuddles owner.   Yeah, now you are rooting for Mr. Cuddles right?  His…Her…umm…Its name is BlooBloo Pop.  It lives in its own little fantasy world thinking that one day he will make the whole world “cute”.  Now, as a small child…umm…thing, it always wanted to be a superhero (hence the name, the outfit, the hair, the weirdness, and questionable appearance).  BlooBloo Pop always tries to dress Mr. Cuddles in cute little outfits as a start for his larger “cute” world goal.  However, Mr. Cuddles always retaliates with war, which is something BlooBloo Pop does not handle well and makes him uncomfortable.

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