photo by lululemon athletica
Living healthy is not easy, but it is not an impossible goal to reach.
“Find out what works for you when you set goals create a game plan to achieve the goal,” said Karyn Smith, health educator at the Student Recreation Center.
A common problem is setting a goal to lose 20 pounds but having no plan of making it happen.
“You need to ask yourself ‘How are you going to achieve them, what are you doing to achieve them, when and where’,” said Smith.
Charisse Bailey a senior at Bowling Green State University in Ohio she

Charisse Bailey continues to strive for a healthy lifestyle despite being a busy college student.
practices this game plan regularly.
“Have a goal and write it down so you can see I have this much more to go. Once it’s written down I will do it,” said Bailey.
Some tactics on how to trim your waist work better than others. One of the worst things you can do is go on a yo-yo diet.
“As soon as you stop the diet, the eating patterns go back to same ways as before,” said Smith.
Bailey experienced mixed results when she went on the Suddenly Slim Diet. For the first few days you only have a shake for lunch and dinner. Later on you can eat an unlimited amount of broccoli and other vegetables. After that comes the snack and meats.
“It flushed out my system, it worked for me I dropped 15 pounds,” said Bailey.
The pounds were gone but it was hard for Bailey to maintain the weight loss when she got off the diet.
“Now dieting is making sure I eat more things in moderation and exercise,” said Bailey.
The Center for Disease Control recommends that adults get 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity every week in addition to two days of muscle strengthening activities a week.

photo by cumi&ciki
That may sound intense but you don’t have to do it all at once. Break it up to 30 minutes a day. You can even take it a step further 10 minutes at a time is just as effective.
“Get up early take a jog or go dance. It adds up to meet exercise quota and it accommodates a busy schedule,” said Smith.
Today you don’t have to go to the gym to break a sweat. Pop in your favorite exercise video, listen to music on your I-Pod and dance or explore work out videos on YouTube. You can do all of this without leaving your own home.
“I dance a lot especially in the morning it’s my little workout dance session,” said Bailey.

photo by Mike Baird
Getting the daily requirements can be as simple as parking farther in the parking lot. Walking places instead of driving. Taking the steps instead of the elevator. Bailey said don’t tell yourself you are too busy to exercise.
“It’s a lie,” said Bailey. “I said that too and I then would be on the couch. It’s not a time issue it’s a priority issue.”
Plan for obstacles and set backs in advance so they don’t catch you off guard. Have a set plan for how to incorporate exercise into your daily routine so that no matter how crazy or busy you may get exercise does not get put on the back burner.
A healthier lifestyle is only as far away as you want it to be. Practicing a healthy diet along with getting 30 minutes of exercise a day are guaranteed ways to live a healthier life.
“Be patient, think baby steps,” said Bailey. “The weight is not gonna just come off it didn’t just come overnight it’s gonna take a while.
The quick fix is not always an easy fix. Smith said healthy living is not about having set behaviors. It’s different for everyone as long as you take steps and strides to improve weak areas you’re on the right track.