Getting over a tough break-up

Written on May 6, 2011 – 2:10 pm | by cswheat

Respect yourself.

You must respect yourself! Calling over and over will not show that you care it will just make you seem pathetic. Do not write on his Facebook about how horrible of a kisser he was or go get a group of friends to egg his car. This makes you seem immature and crazy! If it was suppose to work out it would have no one should have to go to extreme acts to be

Accept the end.

This is the hardest part for me. The worst thing you can do is re-read old text messages or love letters. That was then this is now. The faster you accept the end the faster you can move on to your next relationship or life in general. Do not go wishing for him to come back that may never happen and it will leave you bitter.

Focus on you.

This is the time to make yourself a delicious dinner or buy one if your cooking isn’t the best. This is the time to get that amazing beach body you have been wanting. Apply for a new job or find a hobby. After one of my break ups I took up a pottery class and photography having those outlets that are specific to me give e a sense of pride and confidence that no relationship ever has.

Utilize family.

This is hard for some people because a lot of the time when we get a new man in our lives we cut everyone off and the world revolves around our new love affair. Try and keep relationships with family and friends close. They are there for you to vent to rather than doing something destructive. They usually make you feel better go to lunch or a movie to get your mind off of the fresh emotional wound.


Do not rely on food to make you feel better it will make you fat and go in a deeper depression

Do not rebound! This is not a basketball game. This will only lead to hurting the next boyfriend you have. You will always compare him to what you ex did. You will still have feelings that you didn’t fully confront that may burst out of you one day.

Do not reconcile with the ex two days later. We often are so comfortable with our situation that no matter what happens you forgive him and get back together. this could lead to you accepting abusive behaviors. This has happened to me many of times and now my confidence is lower and it is a slow and timely process trying to regain it. Just remember you broke up for a reason. I’m in not against getting back together just take time and be cautious.

Do not use alcohol,drugs, or sex to get over your failed relationship
These are numbers and only ask the real issues.

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Why do men cheat?

Written on May 6, 2011 – 12:39 pm | by cswheat

Scenerio: Everything is going fantastic you and your man have been together for a little over year, you two love birds are planning to move in together and then BOOM you find out he cheats on you. Why would he cheat? You make him food, you deal with his annoying mother and even watch football with his boys to show that you are down to hang. “Professionals tend to say that men cheat for physical reasons and women cheat for emotional reasons, I believe that men cheat for emotional reasons as well they just differ from a woman’s reason.” said Dr.Cedargreen of Toledo, Ohio.

She further explained that men cheat for personal reasons where women cheat for relationship reasons.An example maybe a man might not be feeling he is getting the praise he deserves at home so cheating benefits his ego. A woman might cheat because her spouse won’t talk to her about his feelings anymore.

Of course we as women will never completely understand how it feels to be a man but we can guess. There are a plethora of reasons why men cheat this is a list that I compiled from talking to friends, family and professionals.

The first reason men cheat is its biological!

Men are made to spread their seed in as many places that they can.It is really quite primitive actually. The more children you have and can produce shows your strength and prowess in the animal world. We women have to carry a baby around for nine months so we are prone to be satisfied with one partner. This is not to say there are not faithful men or assertive women like Samantha on Sex and the City, its just not as common.
We as a society have decided that men and women are suppose to be in monogamus partnerships.

The second reason men cheat is because its makes them feel independent.

Men have a natural desire to do what they want. No matter how amazing a relationship is men don’t like to hear or know they cant do this or that. If he sees a girl that triggers his hunter instincts he may want to conquer it like a eagle diving in on a mouse. It feels good to know that he still has it and he is wanted. Men have the same insecurities as women. Men like variety and when hunting for women you will find plenty of variety.

The third reason men cheat are because they become bored!

Is this the tenth time you told him that joke about a pickle? What about in bed? The same monotonous routine is tiring for anyone especially men. Men are visual creatures. No matter how much he loves you seeing you in the same outfits with the same hairstyle might make him stray. If you want you man to stay around try changing up your hair or wear a nice form fitting dress. The change must be drastic enough for a guy to detect because they aren’t that smart.

Last reason men cheat is because women make it easy.

Raise your hand if your friend is single. There are more women in the world and we are all competing for these men. People have lowered their standards and will even settle for a man who already has a woman because the pickings are scarce.

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Stay at home dads

Written on May 2, 2011 – 8:06 pm | by cswheat

This story is about women supassing men in gaining advanced degrees for the first time in history. This new trend of women being the bread winner in the family is and and is projected to rise in recent years. This has already increased the number of stay at home dads from 1 percernt to over 6 percent and the percentage is steadily growing. I talked to Jessica James a student and staff writer for the BG news about her experiences with her own stay at home dad. She gave me her insight on the situation and how having her dad as her primapry caretaker was a positive influence on her life.

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you decide!

Written on April 22, 2011 – 2:16 pm | by cswheat

I wanted to be able to connect with my audience. I want to know what you are thinking I made some polls to see how my viewers felt about some sticky situations!

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Written on April 22, 2011 – 2:00 pm | by cswheat

sex and relationship (audio)

Written on April 22, 2011 – 12:37 pm | by cswheat

sex and relationships: college. by wheaties08

How do young people view sex and relationships nowadays. There are so many factors that affect the young mind and it will be interesting to get a student view on this topic. I interviewed over 6 people but one really stuck out to me. Senior Rick Sanders gets into detail about how he feels about sex and relationships. From media influence to how important sex is to him personally. I chose him because he is the run of the mill guy. He is your average BG college student.I feel like his thoughts would be a good representative of the men on campus. He works for BGSU dining and plays on an intramural basketball team.

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Map of cool things to do in BOWLING GREEN for Couple <3

Written on April 20, 2011 – 3:40 pm | by cswheat

View lovely bowling green dating sites. in a larger map


Written on April 8, 2011 – 1:59 pm | by cswheat


All around us we hear the term lovesick. Is love sickness a real ailment or is it just a  word we use to describe someone getting over a break-up.

Gabrielle Roberts, 21 of Bowling Green, Ohio said ” Love sickness makes your heart literally ache ,and love sickness gives you a knot inside your stomach. Sometimes You feel like you don’t want to wake up from sleeping or do anything for that matter.” This is response is similar to the four other young women I talked to ranging from age 18 to 24.

The response differed in the young men I polled. Kevin Zamora ,24 of Columbus Ohio said” I definitely feel sad after a breakup, but I keep it moving on to the next you know?” In theory men are less susceptible to love sickness because of their biological makeup.

Their primary goal in life is to spread their seed and to procreate with as many woman as they can. Women on the other hand are nurturers by nature. A woman’s primary goal in life  is to build a strong relationship with a mate that is capable for providing for her and her children.

Although lovesickness is not classified as a legitimate disease as of yet, Manhattan Pyschiatrist Donald Klein is researching the topic more closely so that one day it can be taken seriously by the medical field .

He classifies these love sick individuals as sufferers of Hysteroid dysphoria. In laymen terms it literally means a hysteria like discomfort.

In congruence with my own researchers Klein said that ” These people mostly women, are not true depressives. they are so vulnerable they repeat their love cycles over and over again.

Studies show that a new anti depressant called MAO mixed with talk therapy improved the symptoms of these women within 18 months.

Klein will now ask for a grant from the New York Health Council for over 30,000 dollars to do a 3 year study of the love sick. There should be no problem finding candidates for the new study. Heartbroken people are everywhere. There is a heartbreaking as we speak.

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love slideshow

Written on March 22, 2011 – 7:22 am | by cswheat

This is my love slideshow. It showcases my friends and family who are in love or at least dating. Most of these people are in college and attend BGSU accept my parents who graduated from BG some years back. I took all of these pictures at one time or another. I couldn’t get as many as I like because I don’t know anymore people who are together. With my blog maybe ill be posting more couples to my slideshow.

Interracial dating to go about it

Written on March 16, 2011 – 10:56 am | by cswheat

I remember my friend telling me (shes black) “I really want to date outside of my race mixed babies look so exotic and they have really pretty hair.” I was enraged to say the least that is a horrible reason to date outside of your race.

Then a white guy I knew told one of my black male friends that he wants to date a black girl because he thinks the sex would be amazing! Once again my face dried up. That was yet again another terrible reason to date outside of your race.

During this time studies show that 42% of black women are ending up without life partners for a plethora of reasons such as black men being incarcerated, gay, not educated and so on. I believe with the lack of men leaves room open for exploration.

Another good reason to date other races is because you just like the person. DNA testing shows that people who have to same phenotype (physical apperance) often have less DNA in common than people of the same “race”. Were all people we just look different.

Luckily today dating outside of race doesn’t have the same dangers and taboos as it did 50 years from now studies show that every year people get more and more tolerant of interracial couples. There are many perks to dating outside of your race such as learning about a different culture, broadening your circle of friends, and learning how to work out tough issues with people that are different than yourself.

I dated my ex boyfriend ( we still like each other he just moved so things are hard) for a year and now and Ive learned some spanish, how to make enchiladas the authentic way, and about Mexican art and history. Being with him has truly changed my life for the better.

There are a few obstacles you may have to overcome.
1) STARING..One of my friends (white) recently went to a bar with her black boyfriend and everyone just gawked at them awkward.
2)PARENTS..Our parents grew up in at time where this just didnt happen as much this might take some time to get use to but if they really love you they’ll eventaully put thier racism aside because youre happy.
3) CULTURAL DIFFERENCES just work on being accepting of each others religion and customs. example might be ordering chicken instead of pork when you’re on a date with a Muslim. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind but why ruffle feathers?

Well good luck on your future endeavors! YOU cant Knock it till ya try it!
my mexican lover.

CHEAP DATES..Its college.

Written on February 28, 2011 – 3:22 pm | by cswheat

OK so now that we have how to act on a first date we obviously need to know where to go. During college you are most likely the most broke you will be in your life time. I know you have your part-time job at the local dairy queen but between that rent and groceries theres not much left for the dating scene.

Ideas that I have perfected.

Dinner for two at home. Its so much cheaper to go to the grocery store and make spaghetti and garlic bread than go to olive garden noodles 2 bucks sauce 3 bucks and walmart brand garlic bread 2 dollars and some change. Then if you really want to get fancy you can add candles from the dollar store for a dollar each. All together thats 9 bucks versus the forty that a dinner for two would cost.

A extensive movie night

Redbox is the newest coolest way to rent movies! It only cost one dollar to rent and they are newer movies. The only catch is that you have to bring the movies back in the next 24 hours after your rental. You can buy snacks and even invite some of your friends to pretend to be other movie goers in a crowded theatre.

Double Date Game Night

This is where you find every game from your childhood and bring them over for the ultimate game night. Bring as many couples as you like. The friendly competition is fun for the guys, and seeing you mate pretend to be a duck is definitely a perk for the girls. Games that I like most are scattergories, things, and taboo.

*disclaimer – Every once in awhile go out to eat your guy or girl might feel like you are lazy and ashamed of them and might want to be wined and dined somewhere fancier than your apartment.!



Written on February 21, 2011 – 1:12 am | by cswheat

When I talk to my girls a lot of thing come up… especially the akwardness of first dates! Nerves often get to everyone leaving both members unsatisfied. Girls end up without a second date because they don’t know how to be themselves. Things Ive personally learned about first dates from research and talking to my exclusive guys and girls are helpful and revolutionary.

1) smile people like to be around happy people.
2) Seem interested sometimes being too cool can be a turn off boys have egos and like them to be stroked
3) chill I often paint my toes and listen to my favorite music before going out with a guy so I feel in my element
4) Have confidence it works better than any concealer could ever do
5) Go somewhere where you can get to know each other but a place that isn’t too personal. Sometimes if you are in too intimate of a situation you might get more than the first date you expected ..but if you go to a movie you cant look into each other eyes or talk boring.

This link might help further your knowledge

video how to

Written on February 14, 2011 – 3:10 pm | by cswheat

This is funny! but truish.

This is how awkward dating can be. With my blog I hope to teach young women and men how to do this dating thing. I also want to open their eyes to different dating situations that may arise. I want people to succeed in their relationships by giving them things to do and sweet ideas to keep the park alive. The video highlights some of the thoughts men and women have when first dating and I thought it was an appropiate opening video. They say if you start with a laugh everything else goes into place.

Hello world!

Written on January 31, 2011 – 6:46 pm | by cswheat

My name is Courtney Wheaton I am a Junior at Bowling Green State University GO Falcons. I love to help my friends with their relationship issues. I want everyone to be healthy and happy. I also love to write ! Studying journalism has enabled me to really expand my writing into other realms such as BLOGGING. This is my first blog. Its really about girl stuff but boy can learn a few things too and are welcome. Ill be discussing several topics here. Every week Ill be discussing a new topic. Ill also be uploading picture, video how tos, top tens, list. and whatever else I find cool or interesting.