Why do men cheat?
Written on May 6, 2011 – 12:39 pm | by cswheat
Scenerio: Everything is going fantastic you and your man have been together for a little over year, you two love birds are planning to move in together and then BOOM you find out he cheats on you. Why would he cheat? You make him food, you deal with his annoying mother and even watch football with his boys to show that you are down to hang. “Professionals tend to say that men cheat for physical reasons and women cheat for emotional reasons, I believe that men cheat for emotional reasons as well they just differ from a woman’s reason.” said Dr.Cedargreen of Toledo, Ohio.
She further explained that men cheat for personal reasons where women cheat for relationship reasons.An example maybe a man might not be feeling he is getting the praise he deserves at home so cheating benefits his ego. A woman might cheat because her spouse won’t talk to her about his feelings anymore.
Of course we as women will never completely understand how it feels to be a man but we can guess. There are a plethora of reasons why men cheat this is a list that I compiled from talking to friends, family and professionals.
The first reason men cheat is its biological!
Men are made to spread their seed in as many places that they can.It is really quite primitive actually. The more children you have and can produce shows your strength and prowess in the animal world. We women have to carry a baby around for nine months so we are prone to be satisfied with one partner. This is not to say there are not faithful men or assertive women like Samantha on Sex and the City, its just not as common.
We as a society have decided that men and women are suppose to be in monogamus partnerships.
The second reason men cheat is because its makes them feel independent.
Men have a natural desire to do what they want. No matter how amazing a relationship is men don’t like to hear or know they cant do this or that. If he sees a girl that triggers his hunter instincts he may want to conquer it like a eagle diving in on a mouse. It feels good to know that he still has it and he is wanted. Men have the same insecurities as women. Men like variety and when hunting for women you will find plenty of variety.
The third reason men cheat are because they become bored!
Is this the tenth time you told him that joke about a pickle? What about in bed? The same monotonous routine is tiring for anyone especially men. Men are visual creatures. No matter how much he loves you seeing you in the same outfits with the same hairstyle might make him stray. If you want you man to stay around try changing up your hair or wear a nice form fitting dress. The change must be drastic enough for a guy to detect because they aren’t that smart.
Last reason men cheat is because women make it easy.
Raise your hand if your friend is single. There are more women in the world and we are all competing for these men. People have lowered their standards and will even settle for a man who already has a woman because the pickings are scarce.
Tags: cheating, reasons, understanding
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[…] man? Should you dump him or forgive him? Is there any chance your relationship will survive after he cheats once? If your man has cheated on you, you'll be asking yourself these questions again and again. […]
If you really like someone its best to forgive but don’t forget. For the first few months just be cautious ..this doesn’t mean checking his phone or questioning him. Just be aware it did happen before and its not impossible that it will happen again. Sometimes you have to ask yourself is there a reason he did this to me. When I got cheated on it was probably because I belittled him and didn’t appreciate him as much as I should have. Still not an excuse, but I understand how it happened. Focus on your current relationship don’t worry about the other woman or past transgression. the happier you two are the better the bond between the two of you will be and everything outside of you will fall apart.