Getting over a tough break-up

Written on May 6, 2011 – 2:10 pm | by cswheat

Respect yourself.

You must respect yourself! Calling over and over will not show that you care it will just make you seem pathetic. Do not write on his Facebook about how horrible of a kisser he was or go get a group of friends to egg his car. This makes you seem immature and crazy! If it was suppose to work out it would have no one should have to go to extreme acts to be

Accept the end.

This is the hardest part for me. The worst thing you can do is re-read old text messages or love letters. That was then this is now. The faster you accept the end the faster you can move on to your next relationship or life in general. Do not go wishing for him to come back that may never happen and it will leave you bitter.

Focus on you.

This is the time to make yourself a delicious dinner or buy one if your cooking isn’t the best. This is the time to get that amazing beach body you have been wanting. Apply for a new job or find a hobby. After one of my break ups I took up a pottery class and photography having those outlets that are specific to me give e a sense of pride and confidence that no relationship ever has.

Utilize family.

This is hard for some people because a lot of the time when we get a new man in our lives we cut everyone off and the world revolves around our new love affair. Try and keep relationships with family and friends close. They are there for you to vent to rather than doing something destructive. They usually make you feel better go to lunch or a movie to get your mind off of the fresh emotional wound.


Do not rely on food to make you feel better it will make you fat and go in a deeper depression

Do not rebound! This is not a basketball game. This will only lead to hurting the next boyfriend you have. You will always compare him to what you ex did. You will still have feelings that you didn’t fully confront that may burst out of you one day.

Do not reconcile with the ex two days later. We often are so comfortable with our situation that no matter what happens you forgive him and get back together. this could lead to you accepting abusive behaviors. This has happened to me many of times and now my confidence is lower and it is a slow and timely process trying to regain it. Just remember you broke up for a reason. I’m in not against getting back together just take time and be cautious.

Do not use alcohol,drugs, or sex to get over your failed relationship
These are numbers and only ask the real issues.

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