Interracial dating to go about it
Written on March 16, 2011 – 10:56 am | by cswheat
I remember my friend telling me (shes black) “I really want to date outside of my race mixed babies look so exotic and they have really pretty hair.” I was enraged to say the least that is a horrible reason to date outside of your race.
Then a white guy I knew told one of my black male friends that he wants to date a black girl because he thinks the sex would be amazing! Once again my face dried up. That was yet again another terrible reason to date outside of your race.
During this time studies show that 42% of black women are ending up without life partners for a plethora of reasons such as black men being incarcerated, gay, not educated and so on. I believe with the lack of men leaves room open for exploration.
Another good reason to date other races is because you just like the person. DNA testing shows that people who have to same phenotype (physical apperance) often have less DNA in common than people of the same “race”. Were all people we just look different.
Luckily today dating outside of race doesn’t have the same dangers and taboos as it did 50 years from now studies show that every year people get more and more tolerant of interracial couples. There are many perks to dating outside of your race such as learning about a different culture, broadening your circle of friends, and learning how to work out tough issues with people that are different than yourself.
I dated my ex boyfriend ( we still like each other he just moved so things are hard) for a year and now and Ive learned some spanish, how to make enchiladas the authentic way, and about Mexican art and history. Being with him has truly changed my life for the better.
There are a few obstacles you may have to overcome.
1) STARING..One of my friends (white) recently went to a bar with her black boyfriend and everyone just gawked at them awkward.
2)PARENTS..Our parents grew up in at time where this just didnt happen as much this might take some time to get use to but if they really love you they’ll eventaully put thier racism aside because youre happy.
3) CULTURAL DIFFERENCES just work on being accepting of each others religion and customs. example might be ordering chicken instead of pork when you’re on a date with a Muslim. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind but why ruffle feathers?
Well good luck on your future endeavors! YOU cant Knock it till ya try it!
Love, love, love <3 The newsclip was very informative! Also, I think it is important to explore other cultures and physical differences. I think American society has conditioned us to "accept" one another because we are a "melting pot" but at the same time stay segregated. Interracial dating will always have negative connotations because we as humans cannot look past the physicalities. Today there seems to be stereotypes and justifications for why ppl date others of a different ethnicity or race, ex. white girls are easier, black males are hypersexual etc… BUT if the few that accept and appreciate these differences can educate others we can decrease the impact of these negative connotations.
In today’s society interracial dating and interracial relationships are widely accepted, we are no longer living in the 60’s and people are much more open minded.
There are also many reasons as to why we feel attraction to other cultures and physical differences.
There are some free articles on this subject of interracial dating and relationships which you can read at
I think that now need to look for love on the Internet. On marriage sites, people come looking for his mate. How do you dumate am I right?