wesleyp's blog

October 10th, 2010

“On Intelligence” Part 2

Posted by wesleyp in LRND6820  Tagged ,    

Last week’s reading was chapter 2 & chapter 3 of “On Intelligence.”  It focused on defining intelligence, the neocortex and the connections and functions that occur inside the brain that are critical to understanding how the human brain works. This week we followed up by reading chapters 4 & 5, and here are some key points:

Memories are patterns, and the brain remembers only the important relationships, not every detail.

Perceptions are influenced by memories, and the brain is always making predictions about what may or may not happen in the future.

Hawkins views intelligence as the ability to remember patterns and make sound predictions.

In addition to last week’s chapters, I found 4 & 5 to be very interesting. I have no personal interest in studying the human brain, but I am always intrigued by others’ research on how it functions.  I agree with Hawkins in the sense that an aspect of intelligence is making connections and predictions, but I also believe it is taking what you’ve learned or remember from the past and making the information relevant and applying it in new ways.

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