
HealthTrip – Welcome to Rest Palm Beach

HealthTrip Travelers,

Welcome to the City of Sweet Dreams, Rest Palm Beach!

Did You Know…

One in every three American adults reports feeling so sleepy during the day that it interferes with normal activities, according to the National Sleep Foundation? Running low on sleep can leave an individual feeling tired and crabby. What’s more important to recognize is that getting inadequate sleep is known to have a negative impact on health and well-being.

Chronic sleep deficit is associated with a number of serious health conditions including obesity, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Insufficient sleep reduces productivity and increases the risk for accidental injury, as well. What steps are you taking to ensure that you receive an adequate quantity AND quality of sleep each night? Explore Rest Palm Beach, Florida this month to learn more about sound sleep strategies.

HealthTrip Reminders and an Upcoming Event

Don’t forget to turn in your Las Veggies Travel Journal to Taylor by Monday, May 5th!  All travelers who submit their logs for the month of April are entered into a raffle to win a great Las Veggies souvenir!  Achieve over 600 miles and earn 2 entries into the drawing.

We also wanted to share with you this event offered by the Wood County Hospital focusing on sleep:

Sleep Disorders: Breaking the Myths and Finding the Solutions – May 6

Sleeping well is essential to your physical health and emotional well-being.  Attend the Wood County Hospital HealthMatters Lecture and learn more about sleep apnea, understand the myths, and find out more about what you can do about it. See the attached flyer for more information.  Space is limited, so pre-register for the event by clicking HERE.

Have a healthy day!


Your HealthTrip Tour Guides

Las Veggies – Week 5

Hello, HealthTrip Travelers!

 Last Day in Las Veggies – Wednesday, April 30!

Rack up those miles!  Earn one Frequent Mover Mile for each minute of aerobic activity you complete. Plus, add up to one bonus mile per day by completing the Las Veggies challenge.  You have until April 30 to collect as many Frequent Mover Miles as possible.  Record your miles on your Travel Journal and send your completed log by Monday, May 5 to Taylor at tnewlov@bgsu.edu.  All travelers who submit their logs during the month of April are entered into a raffle to win a great Las Veggies souvenir!  Achieve over 600 miles and earn 2 entries into the drawing.


Links Featuring…Fruits and Veggies!

As we enter our last week in Las Veggies, we encourage you to think about how you can continue to add fruits and vegetables to your plate.  Trying new foods, new preparation methods or new recipes can be a great way to stay motivated and inspired to get more in each day.


High Protein Quinoa Almond Berry Salad

Spaghetti Squash Primavera

Southwestern Sweet Potato Veggie Burger

Sneaky Beet Brownies

Roasted Eggplant Parmesan

Rutabaga Fries

Broccoli Kale Salad

Loaded Vegetarian Lentil Sloppy Joes

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Cranberries and Toasted Pecans

Minestrone Soup

Other Helpful Links:

23 On-the-Go Breakfasts

How to Make Cauliflower Rice

Fruits and Veggies More Matters: Healthy Meal Planning Guide

  Fun With Fitness 

Check out the following options to stay active on campus.

  • Move-It Mondays in the Union: Take a short recess break and get energized on your lunch break with a light cardio and tone session.  Registration is not required. Just come as you are with tennis shoes on or feel free to change into workout clothes.

May 5:  Light Cardio and Tone in BTSU 314

On-campus 5Ks: Check out the fun ways to be active with your family or friends:

  • Badges of Honor 5K and Family Fun Run/Walk – May 15 at 6 PM
    This 5 K run/walk will honor the heroes who answer the call when we are in need. Our heroes are active or retired rescue personnel and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.  Activities begin at 4:30 PM and race starts at 6 PM.  The course starts and finishes at the BGSU football stadium. For further details, click here: https://runsignup.com/Race/OH/BowlingGreen/StateFireSchoolRescueRun.

Remember to bookmark and check out the Rec Well Wire blog for weekly updates and additional resources to assist you on your HealthTrip journey.

Healthy Travels!

Your HealthTrip Tour Guides



Las Veggies – Week 4

Hello, HealthTrip Travelers!


Dried fruits are tasty and travel well no matter if you are headed to the office, the gym, or taking off on vacation. These sweet treats can dress up any salad or cereal. Or toss them into muffin, pancake, or cookie recipes to boost the fiber content. Or simply enjoy them solo as a snack.

Freebie Fridays

Join BGSU Dining for tasty samples of different recipes during Freebie Fridays!  Stop by Bowen-Thompson Student Union each Friday in April between 12:00 – 1:00 PM on the first floor across from the information desk to check out the free goodies and pick up a new recipe idea or two.

Fun With Fitness 

Check out the following options to stay active on campus.

  • Move-It Mondays in the Union: Take a short recess break and get energized on your lunch break with a light cardio and tone session or Zumba.  Registration is not required. Just come as you are with tennis shoes on or feel free to change into workout clothes.

April 28: Zumba in BTSU 316

May 5:  Light Cardio and Tone in BTSU 314

  • Free Faculty/Staff Outdoor Cardio and Tone Class: Available through April 30 on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30 – 6:15 PM.  Enjoy a 45-minute session of power walking intervals and body toning exercises to improve cardiovascular endurance, strength and flexibility.  Meet in the Perry Field House lobby and then head outdoors to enjoy a workout in the fresh spring air! Classes are FREE for all faculty and staff and appropriate for all fitness levels. Pre-registration is required; sign-up now to reserve your spot: http://form.jotformpro.com/form/40055907026954
  • On-campus 5Ks: Check out the fun ways to be active with your family or friends:
    SAAM 5K and Dog Walk – Saturday, April 26
    Show your support for Sexual Assault Awareness Month and get moving in the SAAM 5K & Dog Walk. The 5K race begins at 10 AM and the Dog Walk starts at 10:15 AM. Both begin and end at the Perry Field House and runs through the BGSU campus. Click here for further details and to register: http://www2.bgsu.edu/offices/sa/recwell/wellness/page127179.html

Badges of Honor 5K and Family Fun Run/Walk – May 15 at 6 PM
This 5 K run/walk will honor the heroes who answer the call when we are in need. Our heroes are active or retired rescue personnel and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.  Activities begin at 4:30 PM and race starts at 6 PM.  The course starts and finishes at the BGSU football stadium. For further details, click here: https://runsignup.com/Race/OH/BowlingGreen/StateFireSchoolRescueRun.

HealthTrip Resources

  • Rack up those miles!  Earn one Frequent Mover Mile for each minute of aerobic activity you complete. Plus, add up to one bonus mile per day by completing the Las Veggies challenge.  You have until April 30 to collect as many Frequent Mover Miles as possible.  Record your miles on your Travel Journal and send your completed log to Taylor at tnewlov@bgsu.edu.  All travelers who submit their logs during the month of April are entered into a raffle to win a great Las Veggies souvenir!  Achieve over 600 miles and earn 2 entries into the drawing.


  • Remember to bookmark and check out the Rec Well Wire blog for weekly updates and additional resources to assist you on your HealthTrip journey.

Healthy Travels!

Your HealthTrip Tour Guides


Run or Walk – 5K’s on Campus

Running or walking a 5K can be a great way to get some exercise and have fun with your family or friends.  Whether you  have been completing them for years or are thinking about signing up for your first one, it’s always exciting to finish the 3.1 miles.  Nowadays, there are several varieties of 5K runs you can participate in, including local races or theme races like The Color Run.

A 5K can also be a great fitness goal to work toward.  There are many training plans out there and with a simple internet search, you can find one that fits your needs.

Check out these options to train for an upcoming 5K:

Couch to 5K Running Plan – great for beginners

Runner’s World 5K Training Plans – a variety of plans ranging from beginner, intermediate, and advanced

There’s no need to travel for a 5K!  Here are two 5K opportunities coming up on campus.

SAAM 5K and Dog Walk – Saturday, April 26
Show your support for Sexual Assault Awareness Month and get moving in the SAAM 5K & Dog Walk. The 5K race begins at 10 AM and the Dog Walk starts at 10:15 AM. Both begin and end at the Perry Field House and runs through the BGSU campus. Click here for further details and to register: http://www2.bgsu.edu/offices/sa/recwell/wellness/page127179.html

Badges of Honor 5K and Family Fun Run/Walk – May 15 at 6 PM
This 5 K run/walk will honor the heroes who answer the call when we are in need. Our heroes are active or retired rescue personnel and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.  Activities begin at 4:30 PM and race starts at 6 PM.  The course starts and finishes at the BGSU football stadium. For further details, click here: https://runsignup.com/Race/OH/BowlingGreen/StateFireSchoolRescueRun.

See you at the finish line!

Move More

If you are like most Americans, you sit for most of the day either at your desk, in a meeting, in the car, at home, etc.  Studies show sitting for 60 minutes without a physical activity break can cause significant health issues.  Integrating physical activity into your work routine is good for you and can be simple! Make it a point to get out of your seat and be active for 1-3 minutes after you’ve been seated for a prolonged period of time. Just the act of standing up can benefit your health and productivity by taking your body out of hibernation mode. Here are a few ideas to sneak in some activity :

  • Desk Yoga. Facing forward, then turn your head to the left and your torso to the right, and hold a few seconds to relieve sedentary stress. Repeat 15 times, alternating sides.


  • Park and walk. How many times have you circled the parking lot to find “the” spot? Spare yourself the stress and gain more energy by parking far away (or even in a remote lot) and walking farther to your destination.
  • Take the stairs. The elevator may go up — but it doesn’t make your heart rate climb. Take the stairs instead. You may huff and puff at first, but over time, your body will thank you.
  • Stand up. Instead of sitting while you’re on the phone or completing paperwork, simply stand up. Want extra credit? Improve your balance by standing on one leg, then switch to the other.
  •  Take a recess break. Use a portion of your lunch break to go on a brisk walk. For extra motivation, attend a Move-It Monday session:
    April 21: Light Cardio and Tone in BTSU 316
    April 28: Zumba in BTSU 316
    May 5:  Light Cardio and Tone in BTSU 314

Get your metabolism up and improve your mood, cognition, and energy level by making sure when you sit for 60, you move for 3!



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BGSU utilizes many web masters across campus to maintain all of its web properties.  Keeping the BGSU website in compliance with section 508 is a joint effort between Disability Services, Marketing and Communications and Information Technology Services.  If any page is discovered to be inaccessible, please report it using the above link and we will ensure that the issue is addressed.