Category Archives: Wellness Connection

Free, Confidential HIV Testing at the SRC

This Fall Semester BGSU’s Wellness Connection provides free and confidential HIV testing at the Student Recreation Center between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
“We take away all the barriers, like money or time,” said the Wellness Connection’s Interim Health Educator Caitlin Spontelli. “Everyone should know their status, and know their partner’s status as well.”
The test is free and the results are confidential. No information is shared with an insurance company. The test itself only takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes. However, those utilizing the service should plan for the appointment to last a half hour in order to allow time for questions.
“We recommend everyone get tested if they’re sexually active,” Spontelli said.
Those who are particularly at-risk include people having unprotected sex and intravenous drug users.
“People benefit from the peace of mind of knowing their status,” stated Spontelli. “Everyone gets free condoms and the ability to ask a trained professional questions on sexual health to clear up any misconceptions.”
To schedule an appointment for testing, call (419) 372 – 9355, and for more information, visit
In addition to the free and confidential testing, the Wellness Connection observes World AIDS Day on Tuesday, December 1 with BGSU Goes Red: A Panel Discussion on HIV/AIDS at 8 p.m. in Room 115 of the Education Building and the distribution of safe sex kits in the Bowen-Thompson Student Union.