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Category Archives: RecWell
The lost tee-shirt: Spring 2001 Intramural Soccer Champions
It was spring 2001 the year my teammates and I took home the indoor soccer intramural championship. It was a game to remember as we were neck and neck with the International team all the way down to the wire. I scored several goals that game and thoroughly enjoyed the victory. I especially looked forward to receiving my intramural champions tee-shirt. I received the shirt with honor, however, it was only a couple weeks before my shirt turned up missing. It’s been 7 years since I’ve lost that shirt so I am hoping this community blog will bring it back to me. If anyone knows where I can get one, please contact me. It was a day of great honor taking home the championship in 2001, and hopefully I can someday find a spring 2001 intramural champions shirt to remember it by.
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