Category Archives: Ice Arena

Spring ’09 Slo-Puck: March 19, 2009 Summaries

A League: Team Iceland vs. District 5

Final Score: Team Iceland – 10, District 5 – 13

This was a close game with quite a few goals.  The two teams traded goals for the first 12 minutes, and then District 5 began to pull away.  During the final 10 minutes of the first period District 5 scored four goals.  They kept their four goal lead into the first minute and a half of the second period until Team Iceland made their comeback and elevated the score to 11-9 with 15 minutes remaining.  Team Iceland’s comeback fell short and District 5 defeated Team Iceland 13 – 10 overall.  Joey Harris led District 5 with three goals and two assists.  Teammates Brady Fredrick had four assists, Pierson Halleck had two goals and two assists, and Eric Blasiman had three goals.  Team Iceland was led by Trevor Langels with three goals and two assists and Joshua Schmidt with three goals.

Spring ’09 Slo-Puck: March 16, 2009 Summaries

A League: Becketts  vs. Brathaus

Final Score: Becketts – 4, Brathaus – 11

In what started out in a low scoring affair, Brathaus was able to find some offense late in the game to net 11 goals.  Nick DeSalvo led Brathaus with 3 goals and 1 assist, while Bret Heringhaus had a 4 point night of his own.  The scoring was pretty balanced for team Becketts but Matt Zielinski and Andrew Bosworth led their team with 2 points each.  Brathaus was able to outscore Beckettes 6-0 in the final period to win the game 11-4.

B League: Team Toad vs. Stigmach

Final Score: Team Toad – 11, Stigmach – 4

Team Toad was able to jump out to an early lead and never looked back.  Stigmach kept the score close in the first period, but Team Toad pulled away in the final two periods, led by Mike Richardson and his 7 points (4 goals, 3 assists).  Team Toad widened the goal margin with great play in the second period and Mike Varga was able to add 3 points to the score sheet.  For Stigmach, Cody Duncan was the lead scorer with 3 points, followed by Steven Hoyt with 2 points.  At the end of 60 minutes it was Team Toad – 11 and Stigmach – 4.

Summer Slo-Puck: A League Game 6 Summaries 8-5-08

Game 1: Black Widows vs. T Rhyme

In the first period of the contest, each team scored one goal setting what seemed to be an even pace. However, the second period would tell a different story, T Rhyme scoring four times and the Black Widows twice. The period ended with T Rhyme leading 5-3, leaving the Black Widows in a decent comeback position. Being two goals behind would be the closest the Black Widows would come though; scoring no goals in the third and watching T Rhyme add another two. The final was 7-3 in favor of T Rhyme.

Three Stars:
1. Brady Frederick (F; T Rhyme; 1G 2A)
2. Robert Yohe (F; T Rhyme; 2G)
3. Eric Blasiman (F; T Rhyme; 1G 1A)

Game 2: Bret vs. Danny Boys

Before the game began, when looking at the standings, this game was expected to be somewhat of a blowout in favor of team Brett. However, Danny Boys would put up a great fight showing they are not a team to be taken lightly. The game began with a burst of goals, five to be exact, by team Brett. After the first, Brett had a 5-2 lead making the expected blowout a real possibility. Danny Boys would not take a beating like this though scoring two unanswered goals to start the second, decreasing Brett’s lead to 5-4. This quick start to the period sparked an outburst of goals, each team scoring four in the period for a total of eight goals in the second. The third was intense though, Kevin Rawlik and the Danny Boys posting a shorthanded and even strength goal, the last one with 3:20 left in the game pulling within a one goal. The final was in favor of team Brett, 9-8; but the Danny Boys truly proved they are a contender.

Three Stars:
1. Kevin Rawlik (F; Danny Boys; 4G 3A)
2. Andy Reuhl (F; Brett; 3G 1A)
3. Will Parker (F; Brett; 2G 1A)

Summer Slo-Puck: B League Game 6 Summaries 8-4-08

Game 1: Ice Hogs vs. Habs

This contest began slowly with only one goal being scored in the first by Patrick Halleck of the Ice Hogs. The second period was also pretty even matched, both teams putting one on the scoreboard; the Ice Hogs leading 2-1 after the second. The third period however was a completely different story. The third alone saw five goals, almost double the amount of the first and second combined. The Ice Hogs’ premier passing was what one it though, having five different players score to win the game 6-3.

Three Stars:
1. Patrick Halleck (F; Ice Hogs; 2G)
2. John Rich (F; Ice Hogs; 1G 1A)
3. Jay Bechstein (F; Ice Hogs; 1G 1A)

Game 2: Fremont Alumni vs. Fremont Ross

As far as the regular season goes, this was the final match up between the two Fremont teams. The previous battle was won by Fremont Alumni in a close one 7-6. This contest began slowly just like the first one; no goals were scored in the first period. The second period only saw one tally by Robert Howard of Alumni. Going into the third, Alumni clung onto a small 1-0 lead, but their goaltender Chris Wobser had already stopped all 20 shots he had faced. How long could he keep the shutout alive? That question was answered in the third with Alumni adding on two insurance markers and playing solid defense. In the end, Chris Wobser and Fremont Alumni shutout Ross 3-0, winning the season series 2-0.

Three Stars:
1. Chris Wobser (G; Fremont Alumni; 30/30 saves, 100% sv. pct.)
2. Ryan Pickut (F; Fremont Alumni; 2G 1A)
3. Matt Hershey (G; Fremont Ross; l7/20 saves, 85%)

Summer Slo-Puck: A League Game 5 Summaries 7-30-08

Game 1 Summary: T Rhyme vs. Danny Boys
After losing Tuesday’s contest to team Brett and allowing them to come within one point in the standings, T Rhyme needed to deliver a huge victory in this one. To put it nicely, T Rhyme more than accomplished their goal of gaining another two points in the standings by thrashing Danny Boys 11-4. Robert Yohe collected a hat trick plus one; as well as T Rhyme teammate Brady Frederick collecting four points on the night. From the first through the third, there was no doubt about this game, T Rhyme won in very strong fashion.

Three Stars:
1. Robert Yohe (F; T Rhyme; 4G 2A)
2. Brady Frederick (F; T Rhyme; 1G 3A)
3. Kevin Rawlik (F; Danny Boys; 3G 1A)

Game 2 Summary: Brett vs. Black Widows
Going into this contest, it was believed to be a close one. However, team Brett would spoil the fun for Black Widows, eventually ending the game early by meeting the mercy rule. In the first, Brett scored five goals. In the second, five were scored, and they ended the game with four more in the third. Overall, five players tallied four or more points for team Brett, four players collecting hat tricks. This was a blowout in favor of team Brett, winning by ten goals 14-4.

Three Stars:
1. Bret Heringhaus (F; Brett; 4G 2A)
2. Ryan Spangenberg (F; Brett; 3G 2A)
3. Andy Reuhl (F; Brett; 1G 5A)