Chapter 2 Blog

Posted in Class on October 20th, 2011 by Pamela

My favorite part of Chapter 2 is the Nine Reasons to Twitter, the authors reasons all have such an impact on communication, not only for social purposes but for education and business. I was very leery to use twitter, and I now have decided that twitter can be very beneficial tool for teaching and in the business world.

Chapter 1 Blog

Posted in Class on October 20th, 2011 by Pamela

Chapter 1 has many key points, the one that I thought that could be the most helpful in the school and business setting is the brainstorming capability. Which includes many aspects of blogging; creativity, collaboration, communication, connections and critical thinking.  As we all know we can come up with the best ideas at the oddest time of day, for instances, in the shower, trying to sleep, eating, etc.  Being able to blog at anytime, one can share their idea instantly and others can reply accordingly.  It can help students that seem to be stuck on one idea for a project or in the business setting it can help co-workers work together to accomplish a goal for the business.

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