Group 3

This I Believe Table of Contents Assignment 

10 thoughts on “Group 3

  1.   kschwar Says:

    Authors: Isabel Allende, Norman Corwin, Niven Busch, William F Buckley Jr., Eve Ensler, John W. Fountain,Temple Grandin, Ted Gup, Oscar Hammerstein II, Joy Harjo, Robert A. Heinlein, Kay Redfield Jamison, Helen Keller, Alan Lightman, Thomas Mann, Rick Moody, Azar Nafisi, Gregory Orr, Carl Sandburg, Mark Sheilds, Wallace Stegner, John Updike, Frank X Walker, Rebecca West,

    Politicians/ Activists: Warren Christopher, William O. Douglas, Newt Gingrich, Harold Hongju Koh, John McCain, Cecilia Munoz, Colin Powell, Eleanor Roosevelt, Margaret Sanger, Gloria Steinem,

    Other Famous People: Leonard Bernstein, Phyllis Allen, Benjamin Carson, Albert Einstein, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Martha Graham, Brian Grazer, Brian Greene, Helen Hayes, Maximilian Hodder, Penn Jillette, George Mardikian, Errol Morris, Jackie Robinson, Andrew Sullivan, Loudon Wainwright III, Jody Williams,

    Average Joe’s: Sarah Adams, Elvia Bautista, Mary Cook, Greg Chapman, Susan Cosio, Kathy Dahlen, Elizabeth Deutsch Earle, Cecile Gilmer, Miles Goodwin, Debbie Hall, Jane Hamill, Victor Hanson, Pius Kamau, Ruth Kamps, Jackie Lantry, Michael Mullane, Eboo Patel, Steve Porter, Frederic Reamer, Jamaica Ritcher, Josh Rittenberg, Mel Rusnov, Jason Sheehan, Deirdre Sullivan, Harold Taw, Arnold Toynbee

  2.   akshaff Says:

    1.Light Message Communicated Lightly

    These essays express a light-hearted message or belief in a light-hearted manner.

    Sarah Adams, Phyllis Allen, Leonard Bernstein, Warren Christopher, Norman Corwin, Susan Cosio, Elizabeth Deutsch Earle, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Miles Goodwin, Temple Grandin, Brian Grazier, Ted Gup, Jane Hamill, Oscar Hammerstein II, Victor Hanson, Robert A. Heinlein, George Mardikian, Rick Moody, Errol Morris, Michael Mullane, Steve Porter, Jackie Robinson, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mel Rusnov, Colleen Shaddox, Jason Sheehan, Mark Shields, John Updike, Loudon Wainwright III, Frank X Walker

    2.Heavy Message Communicated Lightly

    These essays express a serious message or belief in a light-hearted manner.

    William F. Buckley, Niven Busch, Albert Einstein, Eve Ensler, Joy Harjo, Penn Jillette, Kay Redfield Jamison, Pius Kamau, Alan Lightman, Thomas Mann, Colin Powell, Jamaica Ritcher, Josh Rittenberg, Carl Sandburg, Margaret Sanger, Gloria Steinem, Andrew Sullivan

    3.Light Message Communicated Heavily

    These essays express a light-hearted message or belief in a serious manner.

    Benjamin Carson, Kathy Dahlen, William O. Douglas, John W. Fountain, Cecile Gilmer, Martha Graham, Brian Greene, Ruth Kamps, Helen Keller, Jackie Lantry, Cecilia Muñoz, Azar Nafisi, Gregory Orr, Harold Taw, Arnold Toynbee, Rebecca West, Jody Williams

    4.Heavy Message Communicated Heavily

    These essays express a serious message or belief in a serious manner.

    Isabel Allende, Elivia Bautista, Greg Chapman, Mary Cook, Newt Gingrich, Debbie Hall, Helen Hayes, Maximilian Hodder, Harold Hongju Koh, John McCain, Eboo Patel, Frederic Reamer, Wallace Stegner, Deirdre Sullivan

  3.   eswain Says:

    1.On a Spiritual Level

    These essays express different individual’s views of God and whether he exists or not, as well as how their faith or non-belief has played a part in their lives.

    Buckley, Busch, Cosio, Daltlen, Deutsch, Fountain, Graham, Harjo, Jillette, McCain, Robbinson, Shaddox, Toynbee, Updike

    2. On a Human Level

    The following essays discuss struggles and tough experiences that people have endured and what they have gleaned from their toils. They also tell of relatable situations to many individuals.

    Allende, Bernstein, Carson, Chapman, Christopher, Cook, Ensler, Greene, Gup, Hall, Heinlein, Kamau, Kamps, Lantry, Mardikian, Morris, Nafisi, Reamer, Sheenhan, Sullivan, Williams

    3. A Word of Joy and Hope

    These essays give a sense of hope and satisfaction to the reader due to the authors message of optimism and joy.

    Corwin, Douglas, Gates, Gilmer, Goodwin, Grandin, Hammerstein, Hanson, Hayes, Hodder, Keller, Koh, Moody, Mullane, Powell, Ritcher, Rittenberg

    4. Advice for life

    These particular essays are contrived of different writers with good advice for the reader to consider in their day to day life.

    Adams, Allen, Bautista, Einstein, Fauci, Gingrien, Grazer, Hamill, Jamison, Lightman, Mann, Munoz, Orr, Patel, Porter, Roosevelt, Rusnov, Sandburg, Sullivan, Walker, West

    5. Miscellaneous

    Sheilds, Stegner, Steinem, Taw, Wainwright

  4.   angelac Says:

    1.People who believe in a higher being
    This is a composition of stories about people who believe in a higher being. It’s not necessarily God or another religion that they believe in, they just believe that there is something for us out there after our life on earth.

    -How is it possible to believe in God? by William F. Buckley, JR.
    -The Fellowship of the World by Niven Busch
    -A Daily Walk Just to Listen by Susan Cosio
    -The Elusive Yet Holy Core by Kathy Dahlen
    -My Father’s Evening Star by William O. Douglas
    -Have I Learned Anything Important Since I Was Sixteen? by Elizabeth Deutsch Earle
    -The God Who Embraced Me by John W. Fountain
    -An Athlete of God by Martha Graham
    -Talking with the Sun by Joy Harjo
    -A Morning Prayer in a Little Church by Helen Hayes
    -Living Life with “Grace and Elegant Treeness” by Ruth Kamps
    -The Light of a Brighter Day by Helen Keller
    -Growth That Starts from Thinking by Eleanor Roosevelt

    2.People who believe in people
    These stories are all about people who believe that people have an effect on things. They believe that People can effects someone’s life in a positive or negative way. They also believe that people can achieve great things if they believe in themselves.

    -There Is No Job More Important than Parenting bye Benjamin Carson
    -A Shared Moment of Trust by Warren Christopher
    -The Hardest Work You Will Ever Do by Mary Cook
    -An Ideal of Service to Our Fellow Man by Albert Enstein
    -The Mountain Disappears by Leonard Bernstein
    -The People who Love You When No One Else Will by Cecile Gilmer
    -The Connection between Strangers by Miles Goodwin
    -The Power of Presence by Debbie Hall
    -Our Noble, Essential Decency by Robert A. Heinlein
    -The Virtues of the Quiet Hero by John McCain
    -When Children Are Wanted by Margaret Sanger
    -A Balance between Nature and Nurture by Gloria Steinem
    -I Agree with a Pagan by Arnold Toynbee
    -Goodness Doesn’t Just Happen by Rebecca West
    -When Ordinary People Achieve Extraordinary Thing by Jody Williams
    -A Goal of Service to Humankind by Anthony Fauci

    3.People who don’t believe in a god/against God
    Some people are nonbelievers and that is what the essays are about. Some of them are against the idea of their being a god but others just don’t believe because they still have a lot of unanswered questions

    -An Honest Doubter by Elizabeth Deutsch Earle
    -There Is No God by Penn Jillette
    -There is More to Life than My Life by Jamaica Ritcher
    -Everything Potent Is Dangerous by Wallace Stegner

    4.People who have changed because of an event
    A traumatic event usually has a great effect on people and changes their lives forever. These essays are about people who have lived through an event that changed their lives forever, some for the worse some for the better.

    -A Journey toward Acceptance and Love by Greg Chapman
    -Leaving Identity Issues to Other Folks by Phyllis Allen
    -In Giving I Connect with Others by Isable Allende
    -The Willingness to Work for Solutions by Newt Gingrich
    -Seeing in Beautiful, Precise Pictures by Temple Gardin
    -A New Birth of Freedom by Maximilian Hodder
    -The Bright Lights of Freedom by Harold Hongju Koh
    -Why I Close My Restaurant by George Mardikian
    -Mysterious Connections That Link Us Together by Azar Nafisi
    -The Making of Poems by Gregory Orr
    -We Are Each Other’s Business by Eboo Patel
    -The Real Consequences of Justice by Frederic Reamer
    -Free Minds and Hearts at Work by Jackie Rovinson

    5.Believing in Traditions
    These people believe that somethings are ment to be done over an over. They believe that we should keep our traditions because that’s what makes us, us.

    -Finding Prosperity by Feeding Monkeys by Harold Taw
    -Always Go to the Funeral by Deirdre Sullivan
    -Remembering All the Boys by Elvia Bautista

    6.Believing in Creativity
    Beling Creative is an important attribute and these essays are about people who agree with that. They believe that creativity can change your life if you let it.

    -Creative Soultions to Life’s Challenges
    -Unleashing the Power of Creativity by Bill Gates
    -The Artistry in Hidden Talents by Mel Rusnov

    7.People who believe in a theory
    These people believe in some type of theory. They believe the fact that their theory keeps things in balance.

    -The Power and Mystery of Naming Things by Eve Ensler
    -Disrupting My Comfort Zone by Brian Grazer
    -In the Praise of the “Wobblies” by Ted Gup
    -The Bennefits of Restlessness and Jagged Edges by Kay Redfield Jamison
    -Life Grows in the Soil of Time by Thomas Mann
    -The 50~Percent Theory of Life by Steve Porter
    -Tomorrow Will Be a Better Day by Josh Rittenberg

    8.Believing in Change
    These people believe and want to see a change in the world. They are will to do things and/or have done things to make that change that they want to see.

    -A Grown~Up Barbie by Jane Hamill
    -The Power of Love to Transform and Heal by Jackie Lantry
    -A Duty to Heal by Pius Kamau
    -There Is Such a Thing as Truth by Errol Morris
    -The People Have Spoken by Mark Shields
    -Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness by Andrew Sullivan

    9.Unique beliefs
    These people believe in things that not as many people would think about. Their beliefs are unique to them but the still feel strongly for them.

    -Be Cool to the Pizza Dude by Sarah Adams
    -Happy Talk by Oscar Hammerstein II
    -Good Can Be as Communicable as Evil by Norman Corwin
    -Natural Links in a Long Chain of Being by Victor Hanson
    -Jazz Is the Sound of God Laughing by Colleen Shaddox
    -There Is No Such Thing as Too Much Barbecue by Jason Sheehan
    -Getting Angry Can Be a Good Thing by Cecilia Muñoz
    -The Joy and Enthusiasm of Reading by Rick Moody

    -Science Nourishes the Mind and the Soul by Brian Greene
    -The Power of Mysteries by Alan Lightman
    -The Rule of Law by Michael Mullane
    -My Fellow Worms by Carl Sandburg
    -Testing the Limits of What I Know and Feel by John Updike
    -How Do You Believe in a Mystery? by Loudon Wainwright III

  5.   klester Says:

    Table of Contents
    1. Kind Gestures: These essays are about people who do kind things for others.
    ESSAYS: Adams, Baustista, Ballende,Hall ,McCain, Sullivan, Mardikian, Goodwin, Fauci, Gilmer
    2. Acceptance: Essays from this section tell about people accepting themselves, loved ones, or situations in life.
    ESSAYS : Allen,Deutsch,Gilmer,Grandin,Gup,Hamill,Porter,Ensler,Douglas,Gingrich
    3. Faith: These essays talk about people and their beliefs about religion, or the lack of it.
    ESSAYS: Busch, Buckley , Carson, Chapman, Cosio, Douglas, Hayes, Hodder, Jillette, Patel, Robinson, Taw, Hodder, Toynbee, Wainwright
    4. Optimism for Humanity: Essays from this section tell about the hope for humanity and belief in good.
    ESSAYS:Shaddox,Sanger,Sandburg,Stegner,Steinem,Ritcher,Roosevelt,Rittenburg, Powell, Kamps,Keller,Mann,Jillette,Hayes,Hanson,Harjo,Graham,Christopher,Berstein,Hammmerstein,Jamison,Lightman,Porter,West,Williams
    5. Belief in Freedom, Democracy and Law.: These essays examine the importance of the freedom, democracy and law.
    ESSAYS: Corwin Kamau, Koh, Morris, Mullane, Reamer, Sullivan, Updike
    6. Power of Creativity: These essays examine the power of Creativity
    ESSAY: Walker, Rusnov, Gates
    7. Dealing with Emotions: These essays show talk about handling emotions.
    ESSAY:L antry, Munoz, Nafisi,

  6.   sarabuc Says:

    Sarah Buckley
    Table of Contents

    Section I: Inner Peace & Acceptance
    These essays show a growth towards acceptance for who someone is/ accepting yourself, and being at peace with who you are as an individual.

    Allen, Chapman, Cosio, Deutsch Earle- Part 2, Ensler, Grandin, Hamil, Hammerstein II, Porter, Ritcher, Roosevelt, Sandburg, Sheehan, Taw, Wainwright

    Section II: Do Unto Others…
    The pieces that really hold proof to the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

    Adams, Goodwin, Hall, Heinlein, Kamau, Mardikian, Nafisi, Patel, D. Sullivan

    Section III: Questioning Faith
    The Believers, the Questioners, and the Non-Believers, which does not only just apply to religion but to also the faith of others that surrounds us.

    Buckley, Busch, Deutsch Earle- Part 1, Fountain, Jillette, Kamps, Keller, Mullane, Rittenberg, Stegner, Toynbee, Updike, West, Williams

    Section IV: The Passion Within
    The essays that show a deep surge of passion from within on a specific belief, to create, express and/or help others.

    Einstein, Fauci, Gates, Graham, Grazer, Greene, Jamison, Koh, Lightman, Moody, Morris, Munoz, Orr, Reamer, Rusnov, Sanger, Shaddox, A. Sullivan, Walker

    Section V: Collected Wisdom
    Wisdom that others have been taught, or have learned through experience and is now being carried on through these various essays.

    Carson, Cook, Douglas, Gingrich, Harjo, Steinem

    Section VI: The Belief in Others & their Kindness
    The pieces that prove that believing in others can project optimism, righteousness, kindness, empathy and humility.

    Bernstein, Christopher, Corwin, Gilmer, Goodwin, Hayes, Hodder, Lantry, McCain, Powell, Robinson, Shields

    The Few that are “Sectionless”
    Bautista, Dahlen, Gup, Hanson, Mann

  7.   mcarson Says:

    Matt Carson
    BGSU 1000
    Dr. Natvig

    This I believe Table of Contents by Categories

    Part One: Essays According to God and Spirituality.

    These essays are, written by those who had the courage, give their innermost thoughts on God, Spirituality, or lack thereof.

    Buckley, Dahlen, Earle, Fountain, Graham, Hayes, Jillette, Taw, and Tonybee.

    Part Two: Essays According to Nature.

    The writers of these essays follow the example set forth by Emerson, Whitman, and others by expressing devotion to beauty and truth they see in nature.

    Greene, Harjo, Kamps, Mann, and Steinem.

    Part Three: Essays According to Personal Achievement.

    Those who wrote these essays believed in these two thing above all others: personal bests, and faith in yourself.

    Allen, Allende, Bernstein, Carson, Chapman, Cook, Cosio, Douglas, Einstein, Ensler, Gates, Grandin, Gup, Hamill, Hammerstein, Jamison, Kamau, Keller, Lantry, Lightman, Mardikian, McCain, Moody, Morris, Munoz, Orr, Porter, Reamer, Ritcher, Rittenburg, Robinson, Roosevelt, Rusnov, Sanger, Shaddox, Sheehan, Stenger, A. Sullivan, D. Sullivan, Updike, Wainwright, Walker.

    Part Four: Essays According to Community.

    The human community is honored in the writings of these essayists. They range from praise for, to service to the community.

    Adams, Baustra, Busch, Christopher, Gilmer, Goodwin, Hall, Hanson, Heinlein, Jamison, Koh, Mullane, Nafisi, Patel, Powell, Sandburg, Sheilds, West, Williams.

  8.   enballe Says:

    Erica Balle
    BGSU 1000
    Dr. Natvig
    25 Aug. 2009
    This I believe TOC:

    I. Generosity

    These essays express the beliefs of people who find importance in being kind, and service to the human race.

    “A goal of service to humankind” Fauci, “Be cool to the pizza dude” Adams, “Remembering all the boys” Bautista
    II. Struggles with Differences

    These essays are written by people who struggle with their differences from accepted society; they have become better, stronger people as a result.

    “A journey toward Acceptance and Love” Chapmen, “Leaving identity issues to other folks” Allen

    III. Positive Outlooks on the Human Race
    These essays express the belief that the human race is essentially good and is full of potential to do great things.
    “The Mountain Disappears” Bernstein, “There is no job more important than Parenting” Carson, “The fellowship of the world” Busch, “A shared moment of trust” Christopher

    IV. Religion and Spirituality

    These essays express the spiritual side of people and their belief in a higher power.

    “How is it possible to believe in God?” Buckley, “My father’s evening star” Douglas, “The Elusive yet Holy Core” Dahlen

  9.   vrecker Says:

    Victoria Recker
    Table of Contents
    I. Belief in People
    These essays discuss the beliefs in human beings in our world as either individuals or as a group.
    “Essays” Bernstein, Busch, Carson, Christopher, Hanson, Heinlein, Stegher, Williams

    II. Faith Issues
    These essays all express a statement about God, religion, faith, or a higher power.
    Buckley, Cosio, Dahlen, Douglas, Earle, Fountain, Graham, Hayes, Jillette, Kamps, Keller, Updike

    III. Individuality Issues
    These issues discuss issues on being an individual on issues of race, sexuality, etc.
    Allen, Chapman, Grandin, Gup, Hamill, Kamau, Orr, Patel, Robinson

    IV. Kindness and Giving Service
    These essays discuss the importance of giving of your time for service and being kind and compassionate.
    Adams, Allende, Bautista, Cook, Corwin, Einstein, Fauci, Goodwin, Hall, Lantry, McCain, Nafisi

    V. Freedom, Law, and the Pursuit of Life, Liberty, and Happiness
    These essays express the importance of freedom, keeping order, having rights and being happy in life.
    Hammerstein, Hodder, Koh, Mardikians, Mullane, Powell, Reamer, Sandberg, Shields, Sullivan, West,

    VI. Creative Thinking and Solutions
    These essays express ways to be creative thinkers, speak out, embrace change, and figure out solutions.
    Ensler, Gates, Gingrich, Grazer, Jamison, Walker,

    VII. Mysteries and Uncertainty
    These essays discuss the topics of the unknown, uncertain, and mysteries.
    Lightman, Toynbee, Wainwright

    VII. Miscellaneous
    These essays discuss various different life lessons for people to follow.
    Gilmer, Greene, Harjo, Mann, Moody, Morris, Munoz, Porter, Rusnor, Ritcher, Rittenberg, Roosevelt, Sanger, Sheehan, Shaddox, Steinem, Taw

  10.   clairag Says:

    Group 3.
    Claire Agresta

    Organized by Authors

    1. Lessons- Stories that teach you how to be a better person.

    Eve Ensler, Martha Graham, Errol Morris, Gregory Orr, Deirdre Sullivan, Rebecca West.

    2. Morals- Stories about beliefs and how they disntinguishes between right or wrong

    Sarah Adams, Brian Grazer, Debbie Hall, Victor Hanson, Robert A. Heinlein, Penn Jillette, Harold Hongju Koh, George Mardikian, Michael Mullane, Steve Porter, Frederic Reamer, Carl Sandburg, Margaret Sanger, Colleen Shaddox, Andrew Sullivan, Arnold Toynbee, Jody Williams.

    3. Family- Stories on what family is and how they help you survive.

    Benjamin Carson, Cecile Gilmer, Jackie Lantry, Colin Powell, Josh Rittenberg, Harold Taw, Frank X Walker.

    4 Religion-Stories that explain history that is interpreted in many different ways and explaining the nature phenomenon of the earth.

    William F. Buckley Jr, Niven Busch, Greg Chapman, Norman Corwin, Kathy Dahlen, William O. Douglas, Elizabeth Deutsch, John W. Fountain, Joy Harjo, Ruth Kamps, Thomas Mann, Eboo Patel.

    5. Famous-Stories by famous people and their ideas.

    Leonard Bernstein, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Oscar Hammerstein 2, Hellen Keller, John McCain, Eleanor Roosevelt.

    6. Realization- Discovering something new from a experience

    Isabel Allende, Phyllis Allen, Mary Cook, Susan Cosio, Elizabeth Deutsch Earle, Newt Gingrich, Temple Grandin, Brian Greene, Ted Gup, Jane Hamill, Helen Hayes, Maximilian Hodder, Kay Redfield Jamison, Pius Kamau, Alan Lightman, Rick Moody, Azar Nafisi, Jamaica Ritcher, Jackie Robinson, Wallace Stegner, Loundon Wainwright, Gloria Steinem.

    7. Kindness- Stories about people receiving or being kind or generous to others.

    Elivia Bautista, Warren Christopher, Anthony Fauci, Miles Goodwin.

    8. Random-Stories that do not fit into other categories.

    Cecilia Munoz, Mel Rusnov, Jsdon Sheehan, Mark Shields, John Updike.

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