Archive for April 29th, 2010

The Final Stretch

Thursday, April 29th, 2010 | Uncategorized | No Comments

So this is it…. the final blog post for VCT 467! I can’t believe it’s already the end of the semester, everything has flown by so fast and now it’s time for graduation. It was fun making it through this class, I have had my up’s and down’s but overall I feel it was a great experience and I have learned a lot. I have had a lot of fun working with my client and I feel my project was very successful and reflexes my skills as both a graphic designer and a VCT student. I am going to miss all of my friends and some of the VCT faculty but this is the next step in my life! I am going to continue working at Libbey Glass and move out over the summer to start my new life after graduation.

Chapter 16 in the book Making Things Happen talks about politics and power, two ideas that I don’t necessarily like. The author talks about how all leaders have politic constraints and that the people they work with put those constraints on that power. Also, the more power a person has the more responsibilities they have as well as they may have to work with more and more constraints.

Power can be misused when it is used for the wrong purposes as well when it is used and the goals of the project are not achieved. I am sure this happens a lot out in industry because sometimes when people get into positions of power they get very comfortable with that power and they don’t want to step down from their power or maybe they will use their power for other means that do not relate to the goals of the project. To solve problems, the author says you must figure out what the problem is, identify who has the abilities to solve the problem, and how you can use them to help. If someone is a Project Manager they are going to have to learn to use their power and responsibilities for the good of the group. Someone can be an effective PM if they can use all of these skills in order to lead a group of people without abusing their power.

What Day is it Again?

April 2010

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