One of the challenges today in young relationships seems to be about choosing between their career and their significant other. Some have a hard time understanding this situation, but others are in fact aware of this issue and have total respect for those more dedicated toward their career. During this time period I believe most can agree to the fact that we are now living during economic hard times. In response, individuals will take time to focus on their careers rather than their loved one to make way for a successful future. However, a decision such as this sometimes can cause a breakup in a relationship. When and if this does happen, believe that he/she did not earn your worth.
The decision for someone to choose their career over their significant other is something anyone should respect and support them in any way possible. Dave Bohl, author of his article “Choosing a Career Over Love” announces, “Careers and love fulfill us in different but important ways. Having a solid career gives us a sense of accomplishment and self worth, aside from the practicalities of paying the bills. Many people develop their entire identity based upon what they do, elevating their career to a level of great importance in their lives.” In the hard times that were living in this is the attitude to have, and other things such as relationships will eventually fall into its place. It’s important to continue dreams and goals that anyone wants to pursue without letting anyone interfere.
For more information check out this link: choosing-a-career-over-love
Tags: Career or Relationship