Jordian’s English 207 Blog

February 9th, 2009

What should a literacy narrative do and what makes a good one?

Posted by jross in English 207  Tagged    

A literacy narrative should tell a story about an event or  time that played an important role in a person’s development of literacy. A good one will have will have a begginning, middle, and end. A good one will capture a specific time in one’s life and illustrate it well enough for it to be read […]

February 6th, 2009

Literacy Development

Posted by jross in English 207  Tagged    

I think this quote simply illustrates a concept in which I’ve always thought to be fascinating. I think literacy development has always been a cycle. Take for instance what’s going on right now in the world with people’s literacy. I believe most people are becoming very computer literate and alot more of our thoughts and […]

February 6th, 2009

Ideal Reader

Posted by jross in English 207  Tagged    

Sport Literacy. For this approach/topic I think my ideal reader is someone with extensive sports knowledge and has a strong relationship and or passion for sports. This will allow them to enter the reading experience with a sense of “commonness” with me. This reader believes that the world of sports has grown dramatically and his/her […]

February 5th, 2009

5 Viable Topics for Literacy Narrative

Posted by jross in English 207  Tagged    

1.) Sports Literacy – How i’ve become literate in the sporting world over time. I think this would be a good story to tell because although sports were introduced to me when I was very young, since then my understanding of sports has blossomed into a lot more than the basic concept of the game(s).  […]

February 4th, 2009

What is a Narrative?

Posted by jross in English 207  Tagged    

According to a Narrrative is “a story or account of events, experiences, or the like, whether true or fictitious.” I believe the purpose of a Narrative is to tell a story, give an account of an event, and/or share an idea. I think narratives make stories easier to understnad, and in the past reading narratives […]

January 31st, 2009

Visual Narrative Feedback

Posted by jross in English 207  Tagged    

During class on friday I met with my writing group and gave them a brief description of my outline for my visual narrative. I presented my thoughts behind what I wanted to accomplish and how I planned to do so. Although we’ve viewed example of what a visual narrative is supposed to be, I was […]

January 30th, 2009

Visual Narrative

Posted by jross in English 207  Tagged    

For my Visual Narrative project, I intend to outline how literacies play out in my daily life. I plan to use iMovie to make a short clip which will illustrate this. A breif outline of my content includes: I plan to go through each type of literacy and include pictures of me engaging in these […]

January 27th, 2009

Questions from Week 2 Readings

Posted by jross in English 207  Tagged    

So I read the “What is CC?” article and I understood what it was saying but I don’t quite get why or how that is going to help us with our narratives and citing our copyrighted sources. So I don’t know if I necessarily have a direct question but maybe I need more clarification.  The […]

January 23rd, 2009


Posted by jross in English 207  Tagged    

We use visuals to interpret text through images. Many visuals are used to shorten up a inteded message. For instance, instead of having a sign that says NO SMOKING, we may just see a slashed cicle with a cigarette in the middle. These visuals relay a message through images. As stated above, many visuals are […]

January 16th, 2009

What literacy acts do I perform in an average week?

Posted by jross in English 207  Tagged    

As a college student I engage with hundreds of different people during an average week. From sitting in class with my 20-30 fellow classmates to walking in the union and being bumbarded with fliers from the hundreds of different organizations on campus. During class today we discussed the different forms of literacy that included; writing, […]

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