Jordian’s English 207 Blog

March 4th, 2009

PSA Relating to Literacy

Posted by jross in English 207  Tagged    

Our PSA relates to literacy because it focuses on being technologically literate. The video shows the importance of being literate and if not, what may result. Our PSA’s main theme is messages through cell phones. I would say this is one of the biggest literacy assets of our generation. We’ve had the first president ever […]

March 2nd, 2009

PSA Progress

Posted by jross in English 207  Tagged    

Our group’s PSA is coming along pretty well. We just have to link up and get on the same page. Three of our group members got together saturday to shoot their portion, and I did mine on sunday. Today in class we hope to finish the PSA, or at least the video portion of it.

February 25th, 2009

Computers in School

Posted by jross in English 207  Tagged    

I think it is essential for students to have access to computers in school. Especially high school and college. Computers provide us with the necessary tools to write a paper, research a topic, check email, relay important message, and the list goes on. With the advancement of technology it is crucial that students become computer literate. Computers […]

February 24th, 2009

PSA Criteria

Posted by jross in English 207  Tagged    

PSA’s should:  Cover a particular issue  It should be at least 30 seconds long  The message should be clear It should be targeting a specific target audience  It should be effective

February 20th, 2009

Possible Topics

Posted by jross in English 207  Tagged    

Internet usage is logged Internet users Video   Reality TV isn’t qutie Reality TV Watchers Video   Cell Phone use can damage brain cells Cell Phone users Video

February 20th, 2009

PSA Analysis

Posted by jross in English 207  Tagged    

How do the actors portay the message? The actors portray the message by having different emotions and reactions the picture. Every person that came in contact with the picture acting in a different manner from the next. Some were shocked, some enjoyed, some were embarrased. What persuasive techniques are used in the video? This uses […]

February 20th, 2009

Stats Blog

Posted by jross in English 207  Tagged    

After reading the stattistics on literacy, I found it interesting in the Children’s statistics that “62% of partents with a high socioeconomic status read to their children every day, compared to 35% percent of parents with a low socioeconomic status.” I remember in elementary school being in a class with about 5 or 6 students […]

February 19th, 2009


Posted by jross in English 207  Tagged    

This blog prompt is the the most interesting prompt that we’ve had to date. My opinion is probably bias because of my strong passion for technology and my interest into how it effects the way we learn and how we communicate. Despite all the positive and exquisite breakthroughs in technology, the more and more we […]

February 16th, 2009

Peer Workshops & Peer Reviews

Posted by jross in English 207  Tagged    

My past experiences with peer workshops and peer reviews go back to my freshman year in English 111 and 112. In these classes, the majority of our paper editing  and drafting occurred in small groups. The nice thing about this class (English 112) and the peer workshops was that our class was held in Kohl hall and […]

February 11th, 2009

Rhetorical Appeals

Posted by jross in English 207  Tagged    

1. Pathos is the appeal to a person’s identity, self-interest, and emotions. Pathos appeal attempts to persuade people by perpetuating fear, pity, love, lust and other emotions that people are capable of feeling.  2. An example of this appeal is a commercial from In this video, a narrator speaks about hating a job, […]

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