Jordian’s English 207 Blog

February 6th, 2009

Ideal Reader

Posted by jross in English 207  Tagged    

Sport Literacy.

For this approach/topic I think my ideal reader is someone with extensive sports knowledge and has a strong relationship and or passion for sports. This will allow them to enter the reading experience with a sense of “commonness” with me. This reader believes that the world of sports has grown dramatically and his/her too knowledge of the world of sports has increased due to repetitive interaction with the games. 

Computer literacy

The ideal reader to this approach/topic will be someone who is very computer literate and has a strong passion for computers and technology. This reader will also bring a sense of commonness to the reader experience. This reader believes that a lot of our communication in the 21st century has to do with computers and technology. This reader’s attitude is that being literate also includes knowing how to communicate via computers and technology.

Driving Literacy 

The ideal reader to this approach/topic will be someone who feels that they have over time increased their driving skills because of using literacy acts. This reader will bring to the reading experience, the ability to relate to the material.  This reader believes that in order to be a good driver one has be literate of driving signs, signals, and underlying language. 

Music Literacy 

The idea reader for this approach/topic is a fan of music. This reader brings diversity to the reading experience because of a broad taste in music. This reader believes that being literate in music allows you to appreciate different types of music as well as understand the musical progression. This reader’s attitude is that music is essential and the ltieracy acts used to engage with music are important as well. 

Visual Literacy 

I believe the ideal reader for this approach would be someone who only has the ability to see and not hear. This reader will bring a different type of appreciation for this type of literacy that is not shown by those who can also hear what they see. This reader believes seeing is being literate and anything else is created for a desired meaning.

One thought on “Ideal Reader

  1. The topic that I would excel at is music literacy. Although not musically capable, listening to and appreciating music is an essential ingredient in my life.

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