Keep Calm and GRADUATE !

October 4, 2012

By: Simone Jackson

So far, this semester year has been going well. Although this has been my busiest semester so far, it has also been my most productive.  I am graduatuing next December, and lately I have been preparing for my plans beyond BGSU.  I am certain that I am going straight to graduate school, but I don’t know exactly why for yet.  It is interesting to me how my career plans have changed since I began college. 

When I first came to BGSU,  I was certain that I wanted to be an international reporter.  I planned to graduate from BG and get a master’s in ethnic or international studies and travel the world.  I never considered public relations as an option. Then I took the prerequisites for my specialization, and I quickly realized that print journalism was not what I wanted to do.  The field was appealing, but only up to a certain point. I began looking at other majors that were similar to journalism.

Last semester, I happened to be taking both Introduction to Public Relations and Reporting classes.  I found myself comparing the two classes and my level of enjoyment in each.  Public relations was far ahead.  I saw a lot more opportunies to advance in the field and to make a lot more money.   It took me awhile to adjust to the fact that changing my mind is okay. The whole semester I went back and forth on what my plans were.  I eventually decided on public relations, and  I know that was the best decision for me.

I am excited to see were my career in public relations will take me. College is such a wonderful thing and I think that everyone should get the chance to expereince it.  Never again in your life will you have the time a resources to explore any subject of your choosing.   Its okay to change your plans and to discover new interests.

4 thoughts on “Keep Calm and GRADUATE !

  1. Asia Rapai said:

    Journalism is a solid degree if you have interests in print or PR, although I might be bias because I’m graduating with a journalism degree this December. You never can know where your career will take you, so it’s good to learn to deal with change in your goals and your actual plan, like you said you experienced. Too many people pay for college and don’t take the risk of listening to their gut and changing their mind if they are unhappy with what they’re learning. Do you have a place in mind that you would like to attend graduate school? Why do you plan to go straight to getting your master’s degree? I’m always curious about where journalism students take their bachelor’s degrees after college.

  2. Simone Jackson said:

    I agree. My biggest thing is that I want to have a versatile degree and I saw PR as a better opportunity for me. I am going straight to grad school after I finish at BG because I will be fairly young when I graduate and I figure that getting another degree will be the best use of my time. I haven’t decided where I want to go yet. It mostly will depend on which school offers me the most scholarships. I am looking at a few schools in London though.

  3. said:

    Very nice post! I’m going to bookmark your blog so please add more articles like this… thanks! By the way, do you mind if I share this on my Twitter page?

  4. Simone Jackson said:

    Sure you can, just be sure to mention me. My Twitter name is @simonemj103

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