Historical Views

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Through the years, body image in both women and men has changed drastically. There will always be an “ideal” body image. If you click the link below, it will take you to a website that goes through ten different pictures that show what the ideal body image was throughout the years starting back in 25,000 BC.


The way we view our bodies can really mess with our self-esteem and our sexual practices. In an article posted by psychology today, it explains that women have two types of body image issues; one being what they think of themselves and the second being what they think their partners think of them. The link below describes both of these types of image issues.


Below is a website that talks about body positivity; it is important to love yourself. This article talks about how to not body shame and how to love yourself. Linked below is also the video that the article has in it that is of all different types of people; it is important that we remember that everyone needs to be loved. We shouldn’t body shame anyone!



Image result for sex education

Sex education in america is a very weird thing; in Europe they do things totally opposite. In the following article, it compares the sex education in Europe versus in the United States. Children as young as four years old will learn about sex education while in America they are around at the youngest ten years old. The very big difference in Americas sex education is that it is Abstinence-Based; according to the article, teenagers around 18 and 19 year olds know very little about condoms or any type of contraception. For more information on the differences between sex education in America and European countries, go to this link:
