Archive for April, 2009

Collaborative Pedagogy Project Thoughts »

For the most part I thought that the Collaborative Pedagogy Project was good and beneficial, but I also did see some room for improvement. +’s -In a class full of future teachers, any chance to get in front of the group and present something is very beneficial. I feel like there could always be more […]

Annot. Bib. »

Bacci, Tina. “Invention and Drafting in the Digital Age: New Approaches to Thinking about Writing.” Clearing House 82.2 (2008), 75-81.   The author here is focused on how the writing process can be made a little more modern. Instead of just using technology to transfer paper and pencil drafts to the computer, she argues that […]

Question For Discussion »

My question is, can Megan and I have an ‘A’ for our presentation, please? Just kidding. Actually, I’ve been thinking about something that we have been discussing as we prepare to present to the class, on the topic of journals. Neman suggests that teachers should check students journals every so often, which is not necessarily […]