Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-08
0- Does Twitter Drive TV Viewership? [VIDEO] via @mashable #bgsuOFT #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-01
1- RT @danielbachhuber: "Students use Blackboard and Moodle, graduate, never use them again." WordPress has applications in the read world. #
- Sitting in Blackboard v9.1 demo. Canvas left some big shoes to fill, but I'm looking forward to seeing how far BB has come from v8!! #
- Use Google Docs, Aviary, and your blog to create and publish narrated lectures on the web. #bgsuOFT #
- New Blog Post by @cmkraut: Create and Publish Narrated Presentations on the Web with Google Docs and Aviary #
- Streaming #Academix2011 and ready to learn about how mobile devices are impacting education. #
- #Academix2011 topic about mobile in medical schools reminds me of the episode of Greys Anatomy in which 'lil Grey was tweeting in the OR. #
- #Academix2011 goal as educators is to set a standard and help students exceed expectations. Social media helps us do this. #
- Use LinkdIn to create a lifelong learning club. Is Diigo better? Discussion centered are the actual resource. #Academix2011 #
- Discussions centered *AROUND* actual resource. sorry. #Academix2011 #
- Why is a paperless classroom so unique? I wanted my classes to be paperless (as a student) 10 years ago! #AcademiX2011 #
- Older gens leading the charge on mobile adoption b/c they are easy to use. Mom can use an iPad, but she still can't figure out the BCC field #
- Harvard Thinks Big podcast series is a student lead effort to hear from popular faculty…like TED. #AcademiX2011 #
Staff Blog: Create and Publish Narrated Presentations on the Web
78COBL staffer Carolyn has written a great post about creating narrated presentations…which is something that should be easier than it is! Here’s an excerpt:
Narrated presentations are quite popular these days. I’m sure you’ve seen more than a few examples by now; we’ve used Articulate (expensive and not mobile friendly) and SlideShare (free, kinda clunky) in the past but have still not found the perfect solution. The problem is not creating the narrations (PowerPoint has had a narration feature for years), it’s distributing them with a manageable file size. Since PowerPoint does not compress the audio, a 10min. narrated presentation could be about upwards of 5GB! That would take a long time to download, even on the fasted connection. My solution utilizes two awesome and FREE web-based tools, which means there’s nothing for you or your students to download:
Click here to read the full post.