
CMA Students Win Prizes at 3rd Jean-Marie Londeix International Saxophone Competition – Bangkok, Thailand

Noa Even – 3rd Prize Winner and soloist with orchestra (plus a new saxophone, prize money, and a concert in Shanghai)
(Noa is a second year DMA student at BGSU)

Joel Diegert – 5th Prize Winner and soloist with orchestra
(Joel is just finishing advanced studies in Paris after completing his MM at BGSU in 2008)

Pin-Hua Chen – Semifinalist and the first Taiwanese saxophonist to advance in the history of this competition
(Pin-Hua is a 2nd year MM at BGSU)

Note: Noa and Joel were the only two Americans in the final round of the Londeix Competition. In the semifinal round, Noa and Pin-Hua both performed “Renewing the Myth” by BGSU faculty composer Dr. Marilyn Shrude. Noa is now touring in Thailand where she is presenting recitals. Her Thailand touring program includes “Fantasmi” by Marilyn Shrude.

(Submitted by John Sampen)

BGSU’s College of Musical Arts Hosts New York Voices Vocal Jazz Camp

The last two summers brought singers from as far as Japan, South Africa and France to rehearse, sing and perform together to the BGSU campus for the New York Voices Vocal Jazz Camp. From August 1-7 the 6-day camp will again feature the intense and unique blend of New York Voices ensemble singing and soloist virtuosity in both teaching and performing. In its third year, the multi-Grammy winners return to their BGSU camp to teach and perform with a total of six nights of concerts:

In featured concerts, Peter Eldridge, Lauren Kinhan, Darmon Meader and Kim Nazarian, will present material from their solo projects and recordings. On August 1st hosting ensemble BGSU Jazz Singers and the BGSU camp faculty Morgen Stiegler, Chris Buzzelli and Doug Neel will perform at 8 pm.

On the 2nd Kinhan and Eldridge will bring their sophisticated sounds to the Bowling Green audience in a joint concert. Wednesday night will include a feature performance by camp faculty and ‘5th Voice’ Greg Jasperse, while Thursday night, Aug. 4th will have Nazarian present selections from her upcoming album as well as a tribute to Mr. Rogers, alongside Meader’s awe-inspiring virtuosity on both the vocal mic and tenor saxophone.

Friday August 5th will feature highlights from select 2011 campers and on August 6th the Camp Ensembles perform at 3:30 pm and then New York Voices live at BGSU will return as the staple music experience of the camp. For more information, please see www.BGSUjazz.com.

2011 BGSU New York Voices Vocal Jazz Camp Concerts: All Concerts at Bryan Recital Hall, College of Musical Arts – Bowling Green, OH

BGSU Jazz Singer & Morgen Stiegler Quartet feat. Chris Buzzelli
Monday, August 1, 2011 – 8 pm, free

Peter Eldridge & Lauren Kinhan
Tuesday, August 2, 2011 – 8 pm, $5 at the door

Camper Concert & featured performance by Greg Jasperse
Wednesday, August 3, 2011 – 8 pm, free

Darmon Meader & Kim Nazarian
Tuesday, August 2, 2011 – 8 pm, $5 at the door

Camper Concert featuring selected 2011 campers
Friday, August 5, 2011 – 8 pm, free

The Camp Ensembles
Saturday, August 6, 2011 – 4:00 pm, free

Featured Camp Event: New York Voices in Concert
Saturday, August 6, 2011 – 8 pm, $15

(Submitted by Susan Knapp)

Trombone Student Adam Bell Performes with Symphony Orchestra Academy of the Pacific

Adam Bell, music performance trombone senior, performed with the Symphony Orchestra Academy of the Pacific (SOAP) June 18 – July 5. SOAP is held in the picturesque seaside town of Powell River, on the west coast of British Columbia, Canada, approximately 80 miles north of Vancouver. Participants play in the festival orchestra under the baton of maestro Arthur Arnold, study with renowned players from some of the world’s top orchestras, and participate in master classes, private lessons, and audition training. Adam was also selected to perform on a chamber music program with faculty members from the festival.

(Submitted by Bill Mathis)

Li Kuang, trombone major, wins International Trombone Association Frank Smith Competition

Li Kuang, trombone major and graduating senior, is the winner of the International Trombone Association Frank Smith Competition. Kuang was named a finalist in the competition last spring and performed in the final round at the International Trombone Festival in Nashville on June 22, 2011. As first prize winner, Kuang will receive a custom made S. E. Shires trombone. Li is pictured here with competition judge and previous Frank Smith winner Jeremy Wilson, second trombonists with the Vienna Philharmonic.

The Frank Smith competition began in 1975 and is open to any trombonist twenty-five years and younger. Past winners include many who have gone on to prominent careers in professional orchestras and teaching positions throughout the United States and abroad. Li will begin his master’s degree in Music Performance at the University of Michigan in the fall.

(Submitted by William Mathis)

Benjamin Taylor, MM Composition May 2011, Wins 2011 ASCAP Foundation Young Jazz Composer Award

Benjamin Taylor, MM Composition May 2011 was announced as a recipient of the 2011 ASCAP Foundation Young Jazz Composer Awards. This program, established in 2002, was created to encourage gifted jazz composers from throughout the United States. The recipients, who receive cash awards, range in age from 9 to 29, and are selected through a juried national competition.
Commenting on the awards, Paul Williams said, “Jazz is America’s great homegrown musical art form and the accomplished young composers we recognize through this program represent the future of jazz. We congratulate the recipients and extend thanks to the dedicated panel of ASCAP composers who selected the honorees.”

(Submitted by Marilyn Shrude)

Benjamin Taylor, MM Composition May 2011, Wins 59th Annual BMI Student Composer Award

Benjamin Taylor, MM Composition May 2011, was one of eleven winners of the 59th Annual BMI Student Composer Award. The BMI Student Composer Awards recognize superior creative talent and winners receive scholarship grants to be applied toward their musical education. In 2011, more than 500 manuscripts were submitted to the competition from throughout the Western Hemisphere, and all works were judged under pseudonyms. Cash awards totaled $21,000. Ryan Chase and David Hertzberg tied for the William Schuman Prize, which is awarded to the score judged “most outstanding” in the competition. This special prize is given each year in memory of the late William Schuman, who served for 40 years as Chairman, then Chairman Emeritus, of the BMI Student Composer Awards. Additionally, the Carlos Surinach Prize, awarded to the youngest winner in the competition, went to Yeeren I. Low.
The distinguished 2011 jury members were: Robert Beaser, Ingram Marshall, Carlos Sanchez-Gutierrez, Steven Stucky and Michael Torke. The preliminary judges were Chester Biscardi, David Leisner, Shafer Mahoney, Sean Shepherd and Bernadette Speach. Ellen Taaffe Zwilich is the permanent Chair of the awards.
BMI has given 554 scholarship grants to young composers over the years. Many of the most prominent and active classical composers in the world today received their first recognition from the BMI Student Composer Awards. The BMI Student Composer Awards competition is co-sponsored by BMI and the BMI Foundation, Inc.

(Submitted by Marilyn Shrude)

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