Career Center Blog

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Networking Tips

Uncategorized April 20th, 2010


So I’ve realized that networking is such a powerful tool. Believe it or not, it’s actually not that hard if you don’t have a problem introducing yourself. I try to make a habit out of introducing myself to most people I come across anywhere I go. You never know what someone has to offer, or what you can offer to someone else.

For example, if you are trying to get a job in an a specific area, you should just go around and talk to people. Figure out when are the best times to go visit certain establishments, and then go introduce yourself to the owners or managers. Have a brief conversation about yourself and also why you like their business. It is nice to show interest in the place that you would like to work without appearing to be “over-doing it”. After you talk with them, you should just go to the next place.

The first time through, don’t ask for applications, just get familiar with the business owners in the area. Make sure they know your face and name. If you spend time in the area, make sure to go say hi and keep in contact with them. When it is time to hand out resumes and fill out applications, the managers and business owners already know who are and feel comfortable with you. This increases your chances of becoming a part of their team.

Overall, it just feels good to know people. You come across opportunites that you normally wouldn’t. The trick is to keep showing your face, introduce yourself, and always smile! There is never a better time to build up a good reputation and a growing network of people.

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