Career Center Blog

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Interviews on WorkNet

WorkNet April 16th, 2010


So the question has been raised: Why aren’t students signing up for interviews on WorkNet? There are many employers who use WorkNet as a means of communication to BG students about employment opportunities. One of the ways they do this is by posting interviews. There are many students who are looking for work, but do not use this option. There could be a few reasons for this.

Once on WorkNet, some students probably go straight to the on-campus or off-campus employment links. Although within these links, interviews still show up, many students aren’t looking for them. This isn’t to say that they do not want a chance to interview with a company, it’s just that they probably aren’t aware that this option exists. It’s hard to find something you do not know is there. So what happens when you do find the direct link to interviews, and there are none posted? This could be discouraging to some and will prohibit them from checking again for updates. In the case for other students, it’s possible that they are just not familiar with the entire WorkNet site.

So how do we fix this? How do we get more students to take advantage of the interview opportunites that are available on WorkNet? First, students should become aware that interview postings actually exist so that they know to look for them. Most students don’t really get an in-depth WorkNet tutorial. So through this publication and the career center website, there could be reminders to students about interviews and other options.

Another solution is for students to just stay persistant! Once finding the interviews is no longer a problem, sometimes there might not be any posted. Don’t give up! Continue to check daily for opportunities. If you don’t look, you might not ever find anything. An employer could post any day, and the students who continuously check WorkNet will be the ones who snatch up the jobs.

For students who do not know how to navigate WorkNet to its greatest potential, they could either spend some time exploring and using help options. Or, they can come in to the Career Center to work with someone. One trip to the Career Center could save months of searching for student employment. The staff can help students become equipped with the right knowledge about student employment and Worknet to use it their best advantage.

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