New site and domain name
‘FilmWire’ has moved to a new home! The new address is and is up and running. This site will be maintained for two weeks starting today (9/19/11). After that, it will be deactivated and no longer avaliable. If you have any questions leave a comment below or go on ahead to the new site. […]
BGSU film department aims for student success
Building a strong film foundation for students is a crucial objective for the theatre and film department at Bowling Green State University. Bowling Green State University, or BGSU, is known for their film program and offers a variety of different concentrations. Many students who are looking to increase their knowledge of movies from its roots, […]
‘The Avengers’ film at a stand still
It’s no secret that Marvel Studios has been working diligently to write, shoot and release the necessary superhero films in order to create their big boy, The Avengers. Unfortunately, Samuel L Jackson‘s script was stolen, resulting in a story breakdown of the film. The person who stole the script quickly turned around in attempts to […]
J. J. Abrams excited for Brad Bird’s debut
J. J. Abrams is known in the film industry for keeping his cards insanely close to his chest. His new film, Super 8 which hits theatres this summer is no different. But amid all the hype and praise for the director, it’s important to note that while he was at the helm for Mission: Impossible […]
Two film blogs surpass the rest
With blog and news sites regarding film and movies being vast and cumbersome, a select few surpass the clutter and outperform the rest. In present day media, the world revolves around the Internet and all of its ties. Almost anything and everything can be handled online whether it be maintaining a bank account, applying for […]
Review rewind: ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’
Awhile back, I took the time to make a video review on ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’. The trouble was, I never got to post or publish it anywhere. So, for your viewing pleasure, I figured I would post the video. I provide footage from the film, my two cents and a final score.
‘Fast Five’ to speed away or fall short?
In my early to mid-twenties, I grew up with ‘The Fast and the Furious’ franchise. While it’s no surprise that Universal Studios is continuing the movies for financial success reasons, it is surprising that the main characters and original actors and actresses are coming back for a second-err…third time. It’s even more shocking because the […]
Scott Major – A film major at BGSU
I had the chance to sit down with Scott Major last week and talk about his time and experience as a film major at Bowling Green State University. Click the link below to here the interview. Scott Yoder – FilmWire by theferd53
The film scene in Bowling Green
Although Bowling Green is a smaller community in comparison to other larger cities in Ohio, it still offers a variety of different film and theatre options. There are several places in BG that provide entertainment and education regarding film, movies and theatrical performances and this map will allow you to see where all of these […]
‘Tron Legacy’ home release is a show-stopper
If you’re a huge pocket nerd like me, then learning that a sequel to Tron was in development a few years ago was anything but expected. Now that the film has come and and gone out of theaters, fans have anxiously awaited the release of the Blu-Ray. On April 5th, this Tuesday, the wait is over. […]