Archive for Humor

Starbucks “Glen” Survivor Commercial (You Tube)

[Best commercial or greatest commercial? A hilarious parody of Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger” from Rocky III. BK]

category: Humor, Popular Culture, Rhetoric and Poetics, Television    

30-Second Bunnies Theatre Library (Angry Alien Productions)

[Hilarious re-enactments of great movies like Superman, Spider-Man 1 and 2, James Bond, and Star Wars along with others! From Monty Ernst. BK]

category: Comics, Humor, Popular Culture, Rhetoric and Poetics    

Confessions of a Teenage Fug Queen (Go Fug Yourself)

Before we elect her the official ambassador of “how our society should be educated on,” however, we thought we should put this budding young teacher to the test by taking a red pen to her screed**. And, sure, everyone makes mistakes now and then — we certainly are not immune — but we do feel that anyone calling us to educational arms (among other things) should be fairly well outfitted with weapons herself. -Heather

[A two page composition critique of an email sent from Lindsay Lohan’s Blackberry. From Elizabeth. BK]

category: Humor, Pedagogy, Popular Culture, Rhetoric and Poetics    

Kwik-E-Mart Comes to Life (ABC News)

While fast food tie-ins are still a major part of generating hype for a new film, today Hollywood seeks larger and more creative means to create buzz. Call it organic, viral or guerrilla marketing.

The latest incarnation came this week when 7-Eleven transformed 12 of its convenience stores into caricatures of the Kwik-E-Mart as part of a promotion for “The Simpsons Movie.” -Scott Mayerowitz

category: Humor, Popular Culture, Rhetoric and Poetics, Television    

My Cubicle (You Tube)

[A parody of James Blunt’s “You’re Beautiful”. I heard it as part of a conference paper in Boston. BK]

category: Humor, Rhetoric and Poetics    

Our Father, who art in MySpace (Telegraph)

The campaign, which is run by the ecumenical charity Churches’ Advertising Network, aims to provoke debate about God among young people this Christmas.


The group, which has no formal links with the Roman Catholic Church or the Church of England, has ruffled feathers in previous years by depicting Jesus as Che Guevara. It has also portrayed the Last Supper as a boardroom meeting of multinational companies, with Judas as Microsoft.

The latest image of Jesus among the beer dregs is supposed to highlight the trend for finding religious faces in ordinary objects and selling them on eBay. Examples include the Virgin Mary on a toasted cheese sandwich. -Amy Iggulden and Alex Wellman

[I dislike blogging on religious issues or stating my faith publicly (especially in Texas), but here is an advertisement with rhetorical merit. I might use it when I teach English 104 again in the spring. Iggulden and Wellman also point out an accompanying MySpace page featuring this Jesus ad. BK]

category: Humor, Pedagogy, Popular Culture, Rhetoric and Poetics    

Episode 676: Supernatural Selection (Nuklear Power)

Red Mage: All it required was a cocktail of dangerous, experimental surgery and a willingness to ignore the unnecessary suffering of perfectly innocent beings!

[Hilarious and wrong on so many levels, not only because it conjures up Frankenstein’s monster and Victor Frankenstein (although those are on my mind right now). The two other things coming to my mind are the Hippocratic Oath and an ethical problem involving a patient who comes into a hospital for a routine check-up and above him are five patients who each need a different transplant in order to live.

The problem is that all of those necessary organs are in the patient getting a check-up and the doctor knows it. Therefore, the question is whether or not it would be ethical to remove those organs and save the five lives at the cost of an innocent patient. A great exercise in utilitarian thinking with many variants. BK]

category: Comics, Humor, Popular Culture    

Theme from Shaft by Geoffrey Chaucer (Cross-Pollination)

Wha be tha blake prevy lawe
That bene wantoun too alle tha feres?
Ya damne righte!

Wha be tha carl tha riske is hals wolt
Fro is allye leve?
Konne ye?

Wha be tha carl wha wolden flee
Whan peril bene all aboughte?

Alle clepe tha carl ane badde mooder-swyver
Speken of Shaft bene I.

He be a man konne unnethes
Namo save is mayde konnes im.

[Thanks to Matt Hoy for identifying this spoof on Jerz’s Literacy Weblog. BK]

category: Humor, Popular Culture    

Discourse Chronicle Word Cloud (Snap Shirts)


[From Girl Meets World. Another ridiculously fun web toy. BK]

category: Humor, Literacy, Poetry, Popular Culture, Rhetoric and Poetics, Technology    

Apple Hackers Encounter a Poetic Warning (Yahoo!)

Apple confirmed Thursday it has included such a warning in its Intel-based computers since it started selling them in January.

The embedded poem reads: “Your karma check for today: There once was a user that whined / his existing OS was so blind / he’d do better to pirate / an OS that ran great / but found his hardware declined. / Please don’t steal Mac OS! / Really, that’s way uncool. / (C) Apple Computer, Inc.”

Apple also put in a separate hidden message, “Don’t Steal Mac OS X.kext,” in another spot for would-be hackers.

[Hilarious! BK]

category: Humor, Poetry, Popular Culture, Rhetoric and Poetics, Technology    

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