Archive for Humor

Phloph’s Scrabble Score Generator (Solfire)

Pholph’s Scrabble Generator

My Scrabble© Score is: 28.
What is your score? Get it here.

[From Jerz’s Literacy Weblog. Ridiculously fun. BK]

category: Humor, Popular Culture    

Formidable Opponent: Eavesdropping (Colbert Report)

[From Beth Davies. In this clip, Colbert uses the Superman story as a justification for warrantless wiretapping. Usually Colbert’s humor is hit or miss with me, but this one is possibly his worst skit yet. Although I always hated the Wonder Twins and their monkey Gleek in the cartoons, I cannot agree with a metaphor comparing Superman and President Bush based on responsible use of super (executive) powers. Based on my research with “Vote Lex 2000,” Superman is a representative of the Democrats, while Lex Luthor is a representative of the Republicans. BK]

category: Humor, Popular Culture, Rhetoric and Poetics, Television    

Super Bowl XL Ads (Discourse Chronicle)

[Here is my assessment of Super Bowl XL ads. My favorites are Bud Light, Diet Pepsi (Jackie Chan), Aleve (Leonard Nimoy),, Ford, Sprint, and MasterCard.

Winners: Sierra Mist, Bud Light, Fed Ex, V for Vendetta, Diet Pepsi (Jackie Chan), Aleve (Leonard Nimoy), Cars, Budweiser, Mobile ESPN,, United Way, Mission Impossible 3, Dove, Shaggy Dog, Ford, Michelob, Poseidon, Disney, Sprint, Sharpie, NFL Mobile, World’s Fastest Indian, ESPN, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, Master Card .

Losers: Burger King, Toyota, 16 Blocks, Ameriquest, Cadillac,, Gillette,, NFL Network, Motorola,, Hummer, PS, Taco Bell, Slim-Fast, McDonald’s, Degree, Emerald Nuts, Fidelity, Honda, Beer, World Baseball Classic, Running Scared, Outback, Westin, network ads, and local ads. BK]

category: Humor, Life, Popular Culture, Television    

Parappa M-I-Xes flour into a bowl, LIVE! (Joystiq)

Andreas Wieslander’s bachelor thesis, entitled “IN REAL GAME,” is “a project about marketing games through live performances, in order to focus on the games feel, rather than its graphics and sfx.”

He has chosen the infectious beats and charms of the PlayStation classic Parappa the Rapper to illustrate this concept. They act out the roles of Cheep Cheep and Parappa in a rendition of “Cheep Cheep Cooking Chicken’s Rap,” complete with seafood cake, live backing band, and Parappa’s jerky delivery. “Crack. Crack. Crack. The egg. Into. The bowl.”

[From Nick Stepaniak. The link shows a three and a half minute video of this project. BK]

category: Gaming, Humor, Pedagogy, Poetry, Popular Culture, Rhetoric and Poetics, Technology    

FF Glory vs JLA (Nuklear Power)

[Hilarious web comic parody of a Super Friends episode starring 8-bit Superman and Batman who pose like Mega Man. The most hilarious part for me was the silent panel with the words: “Please, for the love of all that is holy, save me!” running across a screen. BK]

category: Comics, Humor, Popular Culture    

Randomized Garfield (Jerz’s Literacy Weblog | Memepool)

[From Dennis G. Jerz’s blog. Here is a random generator supplying three different Garfield panels taken from various strips. Users may lock any panel and continue randomizing the others or lock all three. I question on Dennis’s comments to this post whether or not this may be a step toward hypercomics. BK]

category: Comics, Humor, Literacy, Popular Culture, Rhetoric and Poetics, Technology    

Pungent Smell of Mildew (VG Cats)

Leo: This room looks like the other five thousand. The only difference is that over there the monsters will kill me a little faster than here. Oh and this melee class is working just super. I love getting wasted before dealing a single hit in.

[The panel comparing radii is hilarious. Any Final Fantasy player hit with spells like “Aqua Rake,” “Quake,” “Meteo,” or “Ultima” should relate and laugh. BK]

category: Comics, Gaming, Humor, Popular Culture    

Ask Evil Princess Sara (Nuklear Power)

1. “Madame Guyo”: After several days of frantic tea-searching and more than one busted leaf-bone, I have located you your perfect match. He goes by the name of Fighter, and he’s closer than you might think.

EPS: MYAAAAAAH HAH HAH HAH HAH! HAH! HAH! HAH! HA — ahem. You’ll have to forgive me for that un-princessly outburst there. I don’t know what I can have been thinking of. Actually, I’m afraid I do: the soul-chillingly terrifying spectacle of Fighter on the throne of Corneria.

2. “Evil Only in the Sense…”: My cute little kitten keeps curling up to sleep on my stuffed animals. What should I do?

EPS: Does this look like “Ask White Mage: the Fluffiest, Sweetest Little Ray of Advice Column Sunshine Ever” to you?

3. “Person who thinks your a proffesional nitwit”: If you are such a brilliantly evil being why didn’t you wait to be kidnapped by Garland in FF9 since he is much more powerful then.

EPS: Moron. I didn’t sign up to be kidnapped, Dr. Wily, and more importantly, I’m 8-bit, not 32- or 128-. Porting myself to the FF9 universe would be like sending Pac-Man into Metal Gear Solid 2.

[These are a few of my favorite responses from this “advice” column. Anyone who reads 8-bit Theatre, plays Final Fantasy games, or knows about video games in general should be able to get some good laughs out of these excerpts. A background in British literature also helps when reading some other responses. BK]

category: Gaming, Humor, Popular Culture, Rhetoric and Poetics    

Editing He-Man (Jerz’s Literacy Weblog | Penny Arcade)

[Dennis Jerz (one of my mentors from undergraduate) blogged this and I thought it was hilarious. Most of the humor is in the last panel, which highlights how panel-to-panel transitions function from Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics, but some humor may come from Wikipedia’s anonymous editing feature or its recent headlines with Encyclopedia Britannica. BK]

category: Comics, Humor, Popular Culture    

Lex Luthor Vs. Bruce Wayne (Forbes)

“We cannot continue to put unlimited trust in beings who can crush coal into diamonds with their bare hands or move asteroids using energy beams,” says Luthor. “These superheroes–or as I like to call them, superzeros–have weaknesses, and the government should make an effort to learn them–guarding against the day when these do-gooders are no longer doing good.”


In a surprise move, Wayne, who is more famous for his dalliances with heiresses and supermodels than his politics, has rallied to the side of the superheroes. “I just think it is anti-American to argue that law-abiding people with incredible abilities should not be allowed to put on masks and save the planet,” says Wayne. “The effort to create a Global Superhero Positioning System smacks of Big Brother.”

[Found on Superman Homepage. Here is an Onion-style article pitting Luthor against Wayne over whether or not superheroes need to be restrained. BK]

category: Comics, Humor, Popular Culture    

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