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Character Profile


Age : early forties (relative to human years) 

Evolution/Life Cycle (relative to human?) : middle aged

Ethnicity : alien

Height : 5′

Weight : 100 lbs.

Gender : male

Culture : space-dwelling scientists studying everything they can

Profession : mechanic/ Mr. Fix-it/problem solver

Dreams : to finish his time working and relax/be lazy

Beliefs : “Work sucks, but someone has to do the job.” — If you’re good at your job, do it. It is better than being bad at your job and having to do it.

Food : energy to continue life-cycle is recieved through intense meditation and the advancing of the beings pschic or mental capabilities

Weaknesses : awkward body is disproportioned and sometimes requires use of psychic abilities to stabilize movements

Goals/Ambition : same as dreams

Obstacles : finishing required service on the spacestation he lives in (similar to drafted military service)

Stereotype/Archetype : Hero/Shapeshifter

Sense of Humor : dry and lacking; humor comes from his reactions and opinions towards things
Health : good, maybe a little inactive

Family : T.K.’s race is labority induced (test tube babies)

Values : Things in life suck, are disapointing and unfair. It is better to do what your told because it is less of a hasle than trying to rebel. Go with the flow to reduce friction.

Environment (Env they feel uncomfortable in?) : working environments where everyone is uptight bother T.K. a lot; T.K. likes to relax and be lazy

Intelligence : very advanced compared to humans, but his intelligence is average by his race’s standards

Education : minimum for his race (= to a high school degree for humans)

Sex Life : sexual organs in T.K.’s race were lost long ago when laboritories began creating the young

Idiosyncrasies : his lack of motivation to go above and beyond; T.K. just floats along applying the least amount of energy to get things done in his daily life

Need/Purpose : to be left alone on a paradise-like planet so he can relax and laze aroung (T.K.’s needs); to find a passion that he can call his own and to advance and mature (realistic needs)

Nocturnal habits : sleeping (whenever he can… like I said, least amount of energy possible)

Body Structure : spherical body parts (head, torso, hands, feet) with permanent energy link acting as limbs
(with advanced developement of the mind, T.K.’s race de-evolved and was forced to find a way to bind their remaining body parts; because of their advanced minds, they learned how to psychically bind their remaining body parts with energy
Fears : that he will be stuck working the rest of his life and never get to relax

Talent : an uncanny ability to think fast and solve problems using any resources available

Self View : over-worked and stressed and in desparate need of alone time

Addictions : sleep

Flaws : lethargy, apathy

~ by leisa on September 18, 2008 .

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