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Whole She’bang

Revised Concept: Work sucks, but someone has to do the job.

Premise: A message is sent to an alien about lights not working in a lab. The alien inspects the light source to the room. When he opens the dome containing the “lights”, he is attacked by small photon-like beings. The small photons assault the alien, but the alien defends himself. He finally finds a way to trick the photons back into the containment dome. The alien succeeds in tricking the photons, and exits thinking, “Work sucks, but someone has to do it.”

This is the character concept page. The alien’s head is much rounder in this one than in the more recent drawings. The more circular, the more it seems child-like. That is what I wanted originally, but I think making it a little less child-like would be better for the role and character.



This is the emotion page. I was practicing drawing facial emotions for the character. I will practice more to really get the emotion across.



These are the concepts for the door and dome. The door is circular and off the floor implying that alternatives to entering the room are necessary for the race of short aliens. The dome shows the concept of the dome in the center of the room that is going to hold the photons.



This is the concept drawing for my room. It needs a lot of work. I plan on making a very basic, polygonal model of the room to sketch it out better. I know its suppose to work the other way around but I know what I want and need reference to draw it.

~ by leisa on September 16, 2008 .

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