Angela and Jason’s Essays


-Angela’s essay helped me better understand the difference between pathos and ethos
-Ethos is the appeal to credibility. Angela introduced this by discussing why Andy Roddick was a good choice for the “Got Milk” campaign. She continues to add why he appeals to both boys and girls.
-She establishes that Milk can help any person become a better athlete because of the athlete chosen in the article.


-Jason sets up his argument by explaining the types of symbols cartoonists work with to reach out to their audience
-Key details of the image keep the reader interested
-Moving from Uncle Sam to the bird in the cartoon shows the transition a writer can use in their own paper about the different images represented.

Album Cover

Response to Paul Taylor’s “A Sample Analysis”

Paul Taylor’s analysis gave a person writing an essay many suggestions to start their essay. These points will help me get my essay started.

  • what are the elements of the visual
  • what is the focal point of the visual
  • what perspective is the focal point from
  • colors used
  • where are people looking
  • who are the people
  • facial expressions and body language
  • what is the setting
  • is there text
  • what is the tone or mood
  • what is the main purpose
  • who is the audience
  • how does it connect with the viewer

Questions to Beavan

What was the hardest task of your experiment?

What would you recommend as one was to make your carbon footprint less?

Was it hard for your family to go along with your experiment? Did it take some convincing?

What was the easiest task of your experiment?


Response to Course Blog

How feasible is it for a student living on-campus, in a dorm, who has a meal plan, to partake in the “No Impact” lifestyle Beaven outlines?

I think that it would be really hard for a student to partake in the “No Impact” lifestyle. A student with a meal plan has many options to choose from for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but not all of these options offer something healthy or organic. It is important for a student to learn what is and is not healthy because it is their body they are putting at risk. Also, a college student tends to create a lot of trash and I think it would be quite difficult to make no trash. I don’t think college students take into mind that what they eat and throw away actually affects the environment so I think it would be hard for a college student to take on a “No Impact” lifestyle.

“More Testing, More Learning”

  • If professors gave additional brief exams at frequent intervals, students would be spurred to study more regularly, learn more, worry less, and perform better on midterms, finals, and other papers or projects.
  • Tests closer together improve students study habits.
  • Greater frequency in test taking means greater frequency in studying for tests.
  • Objections to more testing are that professors argue they take too much time to grade and take up important class time.
  • Solutions would be that it helps students prepare for midterms and finals, provides study questions, and reduces anxiety.
  • Basically, it would make a difference to have more frequent tests.

“Good Jobs for Americans who Help Americans”

  • The causes of jobs dwindling are: globalization, deregulation, and weaker worker protections, such as minimum-wage laws and government defense of the right to unionize.
  • However, the service sector has exploded as a source for jobs.
  • Kuttner proposes a national policy to make every human-service job a good job-one that pays living wage with good benefits, includes training, advancement, and professional status.
  • The Government has the leverage to set standards because it pays upward of half of all health-care costs.
  • A pressing need is public subsidy to help low-wage human-service workers ascend career ladders.
  • Someone working for $7 an hour, often have family responsibilities, having shortage of time and money.
  • A rough estimate of upgrading all low-wage human-service work into decent professional career paths is about $150 billion a year.


“Guide to Writing”

Revising: review critical reading comments from classmates and instructor and make an outline of your draft.

A well-supported position, a well-presented issue, and effective counterargument, and a readable plan are necessary.

Comma usage in sentences with coordinating conjunctions are common errors in papers.

  • Add a comma before coordinating conjunctions that join two independent clauses.
  • Do not use a comma when coordinating conjunctions join phrases that are not independent clauses\

Conjunctive adverbs are also mistaken

  • if they open a sentence they should be followed with a comma
  • if it joins two independent clauses, it must be preceded by a semicolon and followed by a comma
  • Conjunctive adverbs that are in the middle of the sentence should be set off with commas


Essay #2 Thesis Statement

Cyber-bullying is a widespread problem sweeping through schools all over the world. Although this is a relatively new social issue it can have a direct effect on both our and our children’s future.


AWR “Evaluating Sources”

  • A source is reliable if it provides trustworthy information
  • Evaluating sources requires you to think critically and make judgments about which sources will be useful for answering your research question
  • Question print sources and internet sources
  • Consider these factors: authority and credibility, audience and purpose, objectivity and reasonableness, relevance and timeliness, and context
  • Continue to assess the sources reliability
  • Avoid sources that appeal mostly to emotions or promote one-sided agendas instead of inquiry and discussion

SMG “Quoting, Paraphrasing, or Summarizing”

  • plagiarism: refers to the unacknowledged use of another’s words, ideas, or information.
  • indicate the source of any borrowed information or ideas you use in your essay, whether you have paraphrased, summarized, or quoted.
  • you can change quotations to emphasize particular words, omit irrelevant information, to insert information, or to make the quotation conform grammatically to your sentence.
  • use brackets around an insertion or a change needed to make a quotation conform grammatically to your sentence
  • use italics to emphasize
  • use ellipsis marks for mistakes that are to be taken out
  • introduce quotes either using a colon, comma, or “that”
  • Paraphrasing is when the writer restates all the relevant information from a passage, without any additional comments or any suggestion of agreement or disagreement with the source’s ideas
  • when paraphrasing you can not borrow too many words or phrases
  • Summarizing is presenting the main ideas of a source, leaving out examples and details.

Invention Notes

  • What makes the situation a crisis?
    • Cyber bullying is a crisis because it causes kids to harass each other not only in person but over the internet as well. They find it easier to talk to each other online rather than face to face so it is easier for them to be meaner over the internet. Cyber bullying can lead to physical bullying and even a rise in teenage suicide rates. Cyber bullying also ruins your self esteem.
  • What are the possible outcomes? (What could happen if nothing is done? What could happen if people make the wrong decision?)
    • The possible outcomes are a loss in confidence, physical bullying, or even suicide. If nothing is done and people make the wrong decisions it may lead to a bad outcome not only for the victim but the victims family as well. Anyone can be hurt by cyber bullying.
  • Who or what caused the crisis? How did the situation evolve into a crisis?
    • People who feel bad for themselves and want someone to feel just as bad as they do usually start cyber bullying. Someone’s pain is another’s suffering. If a bully is forced to go through something bad they want someone else to just feel as bad or even worse than they do. Because a bully can’t solve their own issues, they create issues for an innocent person. Cyber bullying started to evolve into a crisis when kids began to commit suicide or hurting themselves to take away the pain of being bullied.
  • When might it climax? (Or go to the point of no return?)
    • It may climax when suicide rates in teenagers and kids begin to rise after cyber bullying becomes more common. With social networking sites such as myspace, facebook, and twitter kids are more capable of harassing one another online.
  • What can be done to resolve the crisis?
    • Limited access to the internet for kids of a certain age. Or talks in school about bullying or cyber bullying. Having kids listen to stories of cyber bullying and its outcomes may help. I think that bullying will always be occurring and there is no way to completely stop it but by working to keep teaching kids about its affects may help.


A Writer’s Resource 241-264

  • Plagiarism is failing to acknowledge your resources or stealing them from someone else
  • you must acknowledge any info you did not know, visuals, stats, interviews, abstracts?
  • What are abstracts?
  • It also involves paraphrasing and summarizing without citing
  • Copyright is the legal right to control the reproduction of any original work, a copyrighted work is the intellectual property of the copyright holder
  • How do you know when a work is copyrighted?
  • Maintain a working biography to help you use your research efficiently
  • Summarizing states the main point of the piece of research

St. Martin’s Guide 755

Acknowledging Sources

  • The only types of information that do not require acknowledgment are common knowledge, facts widely available in many sources, well-known quotations, or material you created or gathered yourself
  • You do need to acknowledge the source of any visual that you did not create yourself  or of any information that you used to create your own visual
  • MLA and APA styles
  • Take notes carefully by placing parenthetical source citations correctly, and by separating your words from those of the source with signal phrases

Pre-writing for Essay 2

The topic I am considering to be crises in technology is cyber bullying and how it leads to suicide. SInce kids are not right next to each other constantly it is easier for them to be meaner over the internet. Especially with social networking sites, kids and teenagers can find out anything they want about someone without even having to talk to them. There are pros and cons to being so connected to the internet. Generation Z has always been surrounded by the internet, however, they will be tech savvy. I think that their should be limits for kids of certain ages though to reduce the amount cyber bullying and suicide rates.

A Writer’s Resource

  • Libraries offer books, magazines, journals, online databases, and expert guidance of research librarians.
  • Primary Research means working in a laboratory, in the field, or with an archive of raw data, original documents, and authentic artifacts to make firsthand discoveries.
  • Secondary Research means lookin got see what other people have learned and written about a topic.
  • Facts: objective
  • Interpretations: spell out the implications of facts
  • Evaluations: debatable judgments about a set of facts or a situation
  • Understand the research assignment (audience, purpose, scope)
  • Choose interesting research question (personal significance, specific question, challenging question, speculating about answers)
  • Consult various sources

Goldwasser Essay

Making Connections:

I probably spend about two hours reading on a typical day. I read my books for class that I need to study and I try to read a book before I go to sleep.

The kinds of information I look up on the internet is definitions and more in depth details about subjects I do not understand or want to learn more of. Because I have constant access to the internet it is easy for me to find any information I may need at any time.

Goldwasser distinguishes between what you should know and what you could just easily look up when you need it because there are certain subjects that you should just know about such as your history. I think her distinction makes sense because there will always be subjects we won’t know about but there are others that should just be a concept we know.

A Well-Presented Issue:

Goldwasser is telling about the generational divide because our generation is learning things that our parents do not know. Our generation is apart of a cultural phenomenon that they were not apart of at our age. This story reframes the issue because we can teach our parents things too.

The “we” are the adults and the “they” are the teenagers. She is addressing the “we” so she is talking to other adults about how just because teenagers are surrounded by technology that they were not, does not mean that they can’t teach us anything about technology. By addressing other adults and supporting our generation as the new voices of America, she is persuading other adults to look at us in a different light.

A Well-Supported Position:

Two points in the article where Goldwasser uses evidence to support her argument is when she talks about how teenagers read and write for fun because it is apart of their social life and also when the internet stops being presented as a villian will our generations step up to our potential.

Goldwassers supporting evidence in this essay was effective because she still named the negative effects of the internet and what it does to teenagers. She was able to form a counterargument around this because we are the next generation of voices and we have to be seen positively.

An Effective Counterargument:

Goldwasser supported her counterargument to create an effective strategy for readers because she is agreeing that the internet effects teenagers but then is able to argue it by giving statistics that praise teenagers.

With Goldwasser’s use of counterargument, the reader can see both sides of her essay. The benefits of the internets for teenagers are clear but the reader can also see an adult’s point of view on the internet and how it relates to teenagers. By giving both points of views, Goldwasser using her counterargument to benefit an adult and teenage reader.


Audience Awareness

Mom, Dad, I promise it is not as bad as you think. I seriously just asked one friend to come over so I wouldn’t have this big house to myself but one person after another just continued to show up and it got crazy! It is not my fault at all. You see, after more people started showing up, I went upstairs to go close all the bedrooms because i didn’t want anything to happen! But while I was up there, I heard a big crash and as I rushed back downstairs to see what was happening and there was a big mess to say the least. Glass from your favorite vase shattered everywhere and I was the only responsible one their to clean it up. So the next door neighbors must have heard the crash and called the police because of the noise. You know I have never done anything like this before. Why would I lie about it now? I’m so sorry and will apologize to anyone who was offended.

Officer, I’m so sorry you had to drive over here to tell us to quiet down. A party was never supposed to happen in the first place. Just a couple of my friends were supposed to come over to watch some movies but one thing led to another and more people showed up. We didn’t intend to make so much noise. I apologize for the commotion and promise we will quiet down. I’m so sorry for wasting your time. I promise there is no reason for you to ever come to this house on any other occasion.

I can’t believe you left me alone this weekend! Come on, of all weekends you choose to visit your grandparents, you pick the weekend I have the house to myself. So anyway, I threw the bash of the summer and everyone will be talking about it for so long that’s how awesome it was. Sucks you missed it. We were dancing like crazy and I guess someone thought the music was too loud and called the cops. I smooth talked my way out of it though, like i do with everything! It was awesome, too bad you weren’t there!




16 This I Believe Ideas

1. I believe peace can make the world a better place

2. I believe in love

3. I believe dorm rooms should be bigger

4. I believe minimum wage should be higher

5. I believe in God

6. I believe family means everything

7. I believe everything happens for a reason

8. I believe everyone has a purpose in life

9. I believe in nap times

10. I believe walking on the beach calms you down

11. I believe in procrastinating

12. I believe my cat has feelings

13. I believe social networks take away from quality time

14. I believe in respecting your elders

15. I believe chocolate makes everything better

16. I believe gas should be cheaper
